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New Young Guinea Pig Is Softly Sneezing?

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New Born Pup
Mar 6, 2015
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I have two 3 month old guinea pigs that I just brought home from the shelter a week ago, Ash and Casper. I've noticed Ash sometimes softly sneezes; I have not heard Casper sneeze. Ash also seems to be more shy (though they are both really shy). They both have an appointment on March 14th for an initial check-up. There's no discharge from his eyes or nose. Is this an urgent problem or can he wait that long? Is there anything I should do in the meantime? I'm mainly worried because they're so young.
Thank you.
Hi, welcome to the forum, please could you update your location as it will help us to help you.

First of all what are they bedded on? do you have anything like an air freshener or scented candles in the room?

Does his breathing seem laboured at all? i.e. does he nod when he breathes?
Hi, welcome to the forum, please could you update your location as it will help us to help you.

First of all what are they bedded on? do you have anything like an air freshener or scented candles in the room?

Does his breathing seem laboured at all? i.e. does he nod when he breathes?
First I had them on fleece, then I switched to some recycled paper bedding. The sneezing started before I switched to bedding and didn't stop afterwards. I don't have anything scented or air freshener.
His breathing seems fine to me.
Ok so it doesn't sound environmental. I would get him checked by a vet just in case it is the early stages if an upper respiratory infection.
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