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Newbie Looking For Help :(

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New Born Pup
Mar 5, 2015
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Hiya everyone :)
I'm new to this site and discovered it whilst looking for some advice about my male piggy! Noticed last night that he has developed a large crusty lump just above his nose, I have attatched a picture... tried to bathe it off with no such luck.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before?

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Hi, welcome to the forum. First of all please could you update your location as it will help us with the information we can give you.

That looks like a fungal issue to me, possibly Ringworm, here is our guide which also covers the hygiene measures that will be needed.


There are many different types of fungal though, but if your vet wants to test for fungal only Ringworm tends to show up in a culture. My other thoughts would be Cheilitis (can also be fungal related) or something stuck on his nose.

Either way, he needs to see a vet for a proper diagnosis.
welcome to the forum xx I advise taking your piggie to the vet! asap it sounds a but like ringworm
Hi and welcome!

I agree with @helen105281 . Please have him checked and use good hygiene until you have got a diagnosis. Ringworm is the one thing that you and any other mammal pets can catch from your guinea pigs!

Please be aware that you need to treat all other guinea pigs in contact with your boy to prevent them from developing fungal too.

As we are dealing with members from all over the world and brand names, access to knowledgeable vets and rescues etc. can vary massively, it really helps us to tailor any advice to what is available or possible to you straight away if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details. Click on your username on the top bar, then go personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!

We have got a piggy savvy vet locator for our UK members on the top bar.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I don't know much about stuff like this but I know that it would be best if you brought your pig to the vet.
Welcome! What a cute piggie! :) I also think that looks like a fungal infection... the best thing to do is to see your vet and get an antifungal ointment for it, as then to do a really thorough cleaning as described above to keep him from reinfecting himself or any other pigs in his vicinity. Wash your hands well too, as some fungi can pass from pigs to humans (ringworm, for instance.) Hope this helps!
When I saw this, my first thought was boar glue. Is it rock hard and attached firmly to the fur? Some of my boars have this regularly around their mouth and nose, presumeably because they have been cleaning their bits. It's just a thought, and it's always worth seeing a vet who can do a proper examination - a photo is never as good as real life - as it may well be a fungal issue. I'm just floating the idea...Keep us posted. x
Boar glue did cross my mind too, it is difficult to tell from the photo.
I had the same thoughts as the others regarding something stuck to his nose - has it just appeared, like overnight? Though I have had fungal problems in guinea pigs that started round the nose (a long time ago) and also had one texel with a strange warty growth on her nose. Don't panic, but do take him to the vet if you are concerned. Welcome as well :)
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