Niteangel Cages for Canadian?


New Born Pup
Jun 23, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, I would love to get gerbils, found about niteangel..they don't ship to Canada. Any way I could get them, or a cage like them? Recommendations please, I would most appreciate it :)
Can't seem to post on hamster hideout
As a Guinea Pig forum we tend to have plenty of experience with Guinea pigs but not particularly with gerbils. There are some members who keep gerbils but the ones I am aware of are not based in Canada. So I’m not sure you’ll get the answers you’re looking for on here. Sorry.
Hi, I just realized that the hamster hideout forum closed recently. So, I live in Canada. How do I get a niteangel Cage? I want gerbils, but they don't ship the cages or anything to Canada. Please help
Hi there

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Hopefully someone who keeps gerbils may be able to help you. @Claire W keeps gerbils, I think. @Freela is based in Canada. I’ve tagged them in case they may be able to help you
Just looked at and they deliver to US and Canada.
I used to keep gerbils but I’m in the U.K. I’m not familiar with niteangel.

When having gerbils, they’re better off in same sexed pairs or groups. You would need a big glass tank with a secure lid. Anything plastic, they will just destroy. We used to keep ours in a large glass tank filled with wood shavings so the could burrow and make tunnels but you don’t have to use wood shavings, there are other options available such as paper based substrate.

Gerbils are very clean, we used to freshen ours up daily and give them a full clean every two weeks or so.

As mentioned, anything plastic they will just destroy so wooden toys for them to gnaw is a better option
I tried to see if my address would work. And when your in they don't have a country list for Canada... Am I missing something?
I looked at which it says is it’s Amazon store. I think they deliver to other places other than US from there.
Hi. Yes Hamster Hideout closed, but we have a new hamster forum that is already growing. It's a labour of love and we're all hamster enthusiasts and some experienced owners. There are a wealth of resources and it's a friendly place. It's also international but based in the Uk. Do come and have a look and hopefully join us. Some members have other small furry pets as well as hamsters :-) It's The Hamster Forum