Non Harmful Ways To Deter Cats From The Garden.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2012
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We've been having some problems with our neighbours cats using our garden and my flower beds as a litter tray. Unfortunately we live in an area where there are lots of cats and our garden has become disputed territory for several of them, so they've been spraying and pooping all over the garden, which isn't particularly pleasant. It has been driving the dogs mad as unfortunately neither are good with cats, so we have to keep them inside or monitor them heavily whilst they go about their business, this isn't so much of a problem now as the weather is horrible and they are quick about it when nature calls but I don't fancy another summer keeping them cooped up. Next door also have dogs so their cats don't bat an eyelid with our two and often are a little over confideant and like to spend most the day in our garden. Sadly we have had quite a few near misses where theyve popped over the fence and I've not been quick enough to call the dogs back. Solly and Clue will leave them alone once told, but I worry for the time I'm not there, plus I'd like to able to leave the back door open in summer as the OH and I like to spend time out in the gasrden , and let the dogs come and go as they please.

Does anyone have any tips to prevent the spraying/pooping and generally deter them from visiting?

Thanks :nod:
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I will be watching this thread with interest. We have had a few problems recently with gets getting into our bins and using the garden as a litter tray. One tried to climb through our kitchen window too!
So... Not the most easiest thing to get hold of but..lion wee. I believe you can buy it online think its called 'silent roar'. Or citrus.. You can try, but this doesn't always work.
You could get a water gun and spray the cats every time they come in the garden then they'll avoid coming back if you do it frequent enough.
Ha ha ha. Poor soggy wet cats. Lol. I have heard of people filling bottles of water and lying them on the garden in the soil. Apparently cats don't like it, but I am not convinced. I was going to say get a dog. But since you already have dogs it doesn't seem to bother the cats either. Hope you find a solution but I have heard of the big cats pee used before. However if your dog is like mine it will roll in it! Lol :doh:
My grandad used to have pigeons and didn't want cats on the garden bothering them! He used the water gun trick too and it worked for him!
I usually don't have a problem with cats as our old timer Neo guards the garden. However, whilst I was in the animal shed, Neo jumped down from his bed on the piggy hutch yesterday and startled Ronnie bun whilst he was indulged in his favourite hobby - eating! Ronnie charged at Neo, head butted him and sunk his teeth in, the squeal from Neo caused the missus to drop her cup of coffee and run out to find Neo shaking on the window sill and Ronnie with a mouthful of white fur! :eek:
Omg. A bunny attacked a cat. Hope the cat was ok.
It was all forgotten today when Ronnie was licking Neo! You don't disturb the big fella when he's eating! :))
One of my work friends recommended something called ... 'roar' I think. It's essentially lion dung fertiliser... It's on Amazon. He swears by it.
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Here is a website that shows many humane deterrents available. You might then search for the items in your area. Both my son & I have used the electronic Contech CatsStop one to great effect. Not sure if it would also scare your dogs though! Didn't affect ours.
My mum has those has those electronic ultrasonic cat repellers in her garden as she had some over confident cats coming into her house. The cats haven't troubled her since. You sometimes see them skulking at the far end of the garden but if they come nearer to the house they break the beams and must hear a noise cos you see them suddenly turn back again.
Along the same lines as a supersoaker but my mum used to scare invading cats away by filling an entire saucepan with water and slinging the contents in the direction of said cat - certainly worked better than her own cat, who was too much of a wuss to see anything off his patch!
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