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Normal Coughing/hiccuping Vs. A Problem?

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New Born Pup
Jun 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi there!

I'm a new Guinea pig owner and have had two 5 month-olds for about a month. Tonight as I was feeding one of them veg he coughed really loudly (scared the crap out of me and his buddy). I thought he had just gotten something stuck in his throat and he seemed fine. Then ten minutes later I heard a cough/hiccup again, then again in another 10 minutes, and then a series of coughs. He's quiet now and is still doing normal piggy things like exploring the playpen and grooming and chewing.

Should I be concerned that something is lodged in there? What should I do - simply wait for him to get whatever it was up/out completely?
I don't think it's another health issue as I was home all day, didn't hear anything, and was right there when he choked. He's also pretty young still and a notoriously gobbly eater :p

I probably sound like a nervous new mother, so sorry if this is a silly question and thanks in advance for replying!
One thing you should know is that Guinea pigs CAN NOT throw up. They are physically incapable of it. So if something is stuck he can not cough it up himself. Coughing would worry me extremely as it could indicate a respiratory issue. I would take him to the vet as piggies can go downhill very quickly. Make sure he's still eating and if he starts to go off his food be ready to step in with a syringe. I've had one of my boys pretty much since separation from his mum and sisters and despite shoving his face into pellets/hay/ and veggies he has never coughed once
Gladys has started to cough odd times.. i thought what the hell is that! I put a video on here of the noise as i had no idea but it was because she scoffed her food too fast.. she has done it about 5 times in 2 months.. everything else is normal so i am not worried .. but if you are worried see a vet x
Coughing now and again when eating their veggies is pretty common in this household. It's usually when they've eaten too quickly!
Hi there!

I'm a new Guinea pig owner and have had two 5 month-olds for about a month. Tonight as I was feeding one of them veg he coughed really loudly (scared the crap out of me and his buddy). I thought he had just gotten something stuck in his throat and he seemed fine. Then ten minutes later I heard a cough/hiccup again, then again in another 10 minutes, and then a series of coughs. He's quiet now and is still doing normal piggy things like exploring the playpen and grooming and chewing.

Should I be concerned that something is lodged in there? What should I do - simply wait for him to get whatever it was up/out completely?
I don't think it's another health issue as I was home all day, didn't hear anything, and was right there when he choked. He's also pretty young still and a notoriously gobbly eater :p

I probably sound like a nervous new mother, so sorry if this is a silly question and thanks in advance for replying!

If it has settled down, then it is very likely that something (plus some air) has gone down the wrong way, but it should have cleared by now. Coughing or hiccuping in connection with dinner is unfortunately not quite uncommon with greedy guinea pigs!
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