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Odd bunny hop

Oh no. I know you were trying to wait but you doing the best and right thing.
From me and my two piggies lots love and best vibes. :luv:
Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? Vet mentioned infection and / or injury but it’s a mystery. I did ask about an inner ear infection and she said the sulfatrim will clear it or it is. I so hope my poor girl doesn’t need xrays :( She’s seeing my usual vet next Monday but as I am away, my parents are taking her. Are there any specific questions my mum should be asking the vet? May be jumping ahead of myself here but I’m worried
Sorry the vet didnt give you any answers today, but an antibiotic and some pain relief is a good safe default option.
Personally I would want to see a cavy savvy vet giving her a good physical examination and checking her back and joints by feeling them hands-on, and watching her walk about, to see if any particular joint is giving her trouble or causing her pain, before jumping ahead to an xray- sprains and ligament damage, and some injuries that affect the nerves, won't show up on an xray.
Holding her up and bicycling her legs, feeling all her legs and hip joints, can give a lot of information. And do get her ears checked properly too in case its a balance issue.
Healing wheeks and I do hope your usual vet can shed some light on things! X
Sorry the vet didnt give you any answers today, but an antibiotic and some pain relief is a good safe default option.
Personally I would want to see a cavy savvy vet giving her a good physical examination and checking her back and joints by feeling them hands-on, and watching her walk about, to see if any particular joint is giving her trouble or causing her pain, before jumping ahead to an xray- sprains and ligament damage, and some injuries that affect the nerves, won't show up on an xray.
Holding her up and bicycling her legs, feeling all her legs and hip joints, can give a lot of information. And do get her ears checked properly too in case its a balance issue.
Healing wheeks and I do hope your usual vet can shed some light on things! X

Thank you for your advise. I forgot to mention that the vet did watch her walk around and commented that she was a little unsteady on her feet. Her head was also not sitting straight. I think the vet was a locum as I’ve never seen her before. She was good and checked Ellen’s bladder which was a bit sore but that’s not unusual for Ellen as she has IC but I assume the antibiotics will clear up any potential uti too? But I shall ask my mum to mention all you have said to my usual vet when she sees her on Monday.

I’m worried but I trust my mum to ask any questions on my behalf. I’ll also ask again about her ears. Ellen turns 5 next month so isn’t a spring chicken which is why I was wondering about arthritis setting in x
Thank you for your advise. I forgot to mention that the vet did watch her walk around and commented that she was a little unsteady on her feet. Her head was also not sitting straight. I think the vet was a locum as I’ve never seen her before. She was good and checked Ellen’s bladder which was a bit sore but that’s not unusual for Ellen as she has IC but I assume the antibiotics will clear up any potential uti too? But I shall ask my mum to mention all you have said to my usual vet when she sees her on Monday.

I’m worried but I trust my mum to ask any questions on my behalf. I’ll also ask again about her ears. Ellen turns 5 next month so isn’t a spring chicken which is why I was wondering about arthritis setting in x
Ear infection then probably
Ear infection then probably

If it is an ear infection, will the sulfatrim cure it? The more I think about it, the more I wish I’d asked the vet to check her ears :( I’ve checked them myself and can’t see anything abnormal but then I guess I won’t if it’s inner ear and I’m not a vet :(
If it is an ear infection, will the sulfatrim cure it? The more I think about it, the more I wish I’d asked the vet to check her ears :( I’ve checked them myself and can’t see anything abnormal but then I guess I won’t if it’s inner ear and I’m not a vet :(
I have no idea, never dealt with an ear infection, I know baytril cleared up my neighbours rats inner ear infection, but that's a rat. Hopefully itl clear with sulfatrim if it is this. Definitly explains the falling over
I have no idea, never dealt with an ear infection, I know baytril cleared up my neighbours rats inner ear infection, but that's a rat. Hopefully itl clear with sulfatrim if it is this. Definitly explains the falling over

Thank you. I’m also wondering if she could have had a mild stroke but we won’t know until everything else has been eliminated. Hopefully the antibiotics will work
Thank you. I’m also wondering if she could have had a mild stroke but we won’t know until everything else has been eliminated. Hopefully the antibiotics will work
Let's hope not, so many other minor things it could be to be fair. Give it a few days and see if you see her improve 👍
Ellen has had her first lot of medication this morning. She was fighting with the syringe so can’t be that poorly ;) she definitely doesn’t like the sulfatrim even though she’s had it before. Oh why did vets stop giving septrin :(
fighting with syringe :nod: cos that's a good sign. I hope the meds help as you trying to avoid the vets which is understandable fully
Comon Ellen you be good for mummy slave and us all. x
If it is an ear infection, will the sulfatrim cure it? The more I think about it, the more I wish I’d asked the vet to check her ears :( I’ve checked them myself and can’t see anything abnormal but then I guess I won’t if it’s inner ear and I’m not a vet :(
Bless her, so sorry she’s had more problems :( I’ve never had ear issues with piggies, only Ziggy the rat and that was really extreme (thought he’d had a stroke too, could barely stand as so wobbly, really bad head tilt etc so much worse than Ellen). We didn’t use sulfatrim but hope it helps gorgeous Ellen:) We couldn’t see any problems with the ear but he just had the ‘classic’ symptoms of inner ear infection, came on v quickly.
Good she’s fighting the syringe! Rupert and Jess hate(d) the stuff, not as much as baytril though! xx