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One eyes guinea pigs

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I went into pets at home earlier, and found a piggie in the rescue centre called Bertie. He was 16 weeks old and had had an eye removed. I've fallen for him, big style and want to go back for him! I've been looking for a male to go with my two girls for a while and he is just beautiful.

I have had a one eyed guinea pig before with two other companions in the same cage and there was no problem. Do you think there would be a high risk of aggression?

I'm extremely tempted by him but he would also have to be neutered. He would have two beautiful girlfriends to keep him company after that though, and a lifelong home. It doesn't matter to me that he only has one eye, but what does matter is the safety of my other pigs, especially lucky who is 6. She is extremely docile and will happily befriend ANY pig, but I wouldn't want her to be on the receiving end of bullying in her old age!
I'm sure they will be ok single boy and girl mixed groups are said to be the most stable relationships I do hope you give the little man a new forever home. :)
I wouldn't imagine it would make much difference to him. Guinea Pigs don't tend to use there eyes to see anyway, they depend much more on smell and hearing.

Plus he'd be used to it by now.
That's what I thought, but the lady working there said that he could be aggressive because of the loss of sight. In my experience they have just learned to adapt and use what they do have though, and the pig I had usually had free assistance from her two friends if needed!

I'd also need somewhere for him to live for 6 weeks too, while he undergoes his op. Maybe it's better to leave it and find a rescue pig who is already neutered. It's hard though cause I can't stop thinking about him!
I've heard of pigs becoming scared or defensive if approached on their blind side. I imagine that that might be what the lady in the shop meant and I'd suspect that it's more of a defensive reaction to being startled, as opposed to actually being aggressive.

I've not had a blind or partially sighted piggy myself but I know that quite a few people here have and by all accounts they adapt very well, as you've found yourself.

I can completely understand you getting so smitten by him and wanting to give him a home but you're right to have reservations and consider the implications on your existing pigs too. Do what you feel is right for all concerned x
Probably what is right is to leave it a few days. He's already had one large operation, perhaps it's unfair for me to put him through another. Maybe if he's still there in a week or so I will rethink again.

Thank you everyone
Probably what is right is to leave it a few days. He's already had one large operation, perhaps it's unfair for me to put him through another. Maybe if he's still there in a week or so I will rethink again.

Thank you everyone

That sounds sensible, if you can resist :)

The fact that he's already had a big operation would definitely be a big consideration if I were you.

Obviously it's impossible to say how long he'll be there but it's probably likely that his eye problem (and reported "aggression" ) would put a lot of people off and it could well take an especially dedicated person to offer him a home. That could be you, depending on what you decide, but if not, then I'd like to think that it'd be someone equally caring and devoted to piggies, regardless of how they look. Hopefully this little chap gets a lovely home whatever happens.
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