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One year olds

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
I may be imagining it, but it seems to me (from my experience and from reading others' stories) that guineas seem to be very vulnerable about one year old (teeth, abscesses etc). Is this true? If so, what are the areas we should be taking special care of? And why is this? Is it that teeth don't fully develop until that age?

Any thoughts?
When they are young they gnaw everything in sight, thats why their teeth are of no concern.

It's when they become laid back(mainly from 1yr old when they become a bit more lazy) is where the problem starts.. Piggies teeth are constantly growing and if they don't have hard foods or wood gnaws to actually gnaw on then they cant get their teeth down..

Quite often abcesses are a cause of stress (mites in particular).. can also be underlying problems and open wounds causing infections..

With teeth it is common for them to have ear aches and that can make them walk with a droopy head.. You just have to keep an eye on things.

With the older piggies you just have togive them a full body check regularly and make sure you know their signs when then are not right.

I'm sure loads of others will be able to shed some more light too..
I forgot to add that boars can have problems with their willys as you know with Tonic, also with anal impactation.. They are common but doesnt happen often

Just general body checks again
I have always taken mine to the vet for an MOT every now and then. It just seemed that scarby's abscess and Dr's teeth came on really quickly. I will take Rocky soon for an MOT!

my boys especiallly always get the full body check regularly - Guinea winces at the thought of me going near his willy! ;)

You know usually when it's their teeth as they can't eat or have problems eating.

xx Kelly xx
I've posted before about a delicate age mine always happens around 2 and half, I keep records on all my pigs and found that teeth and general ill health happens around 2 in my case, Lavender was 2 and half when she died last week that was teeth causing an abcess etc, these are more common reasons but if you know your pigs really well you will notice them change , ie very quite off food and not themselves, Lavenders abcess came up over night practically, but as i knew she was not her self I was on to it, although I keep 37 pigs (now) I always know if anything is wrong,
my most recent deaths were ages
2 and half Lavender
1 and half Bear
2 and half domino
almost 8 squeak
2 years poppy
1 and half lupin
about 3 ( not really sure) daisy
I've lost 7 since last sept
I also find that is a bad time of year for losing pigs, I'm likely now to go months before any more losses
I also have ginger who has anal impaction and has had done so for about 2 years now and is coping very well, some people might say put him to sleep but why? all it takes is a quick squeeze and a hold of the breath for a second and he is fine again lol :D
one thing i will say if pigs have teeth problems they can and do lose weight very easily and quickly so make sure you are onto it.
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