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Open wound from scratching


New Born Pup
Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
Evening all
Our little Squeaky seems to have very sensitive skin so he scratches a lot. A couple of weeks ago I noticed an open wound. It doesn't seem to bother him, but as he's white it looks quite drastic. Every time I think it's healing he scratches it and it seems to open again.
Any suggestions on how to protect it?
I did see some wound spray for dogs (spray on plaster?) in the pet shop - any ideas if this would be safe?
I occasionally spray it with disinfectant to make sure it doesn't get infected.
Thanks in advance :)
Please don’t use anything intended for another animal, it could be harmful.
Has he been seen by a vet to diagnose the cause of his itching?
Evening all
Our little Squeaky seems to have very sensitive skin so he scratches a lot. A couple of weeks ago I noticed an open wound. It doesn't seem to bother him, but as he's white it looks quite drastic. Every time I think it's healing he scratches it and it seems to open again.
Any suggestions on how to protect it?
I did see some wound spray for dogs (spray on plaster?) in the pet shop - any ideas if this would be safe?
I occasionally spray it with disinfectant to make sure it doesn't get infected.
Thanks in advance :)

Have you had your piggy vet checked? What have they diagnosed?

PLEASE never use any products for different species on guinea pigs; some of them can be fatal for guinea pigs because they contain substances that are toxic. Wrongly used DIY treatment on spec is creating so much suffering and far too many deaths.
In the end you spend more money on the wrong products than you would have had you seen a vet straight away. :(

New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites
Our ringworm outbreak started out looking like an open wound that our pig had been scratching. Not diagnosing or trying to scare - just well worth a vet check. Especially if he’s itchy!
Thanks all :)
I took him to the vets (who also happens to be the breeder) just before Xmas to check for lice. She gave medication just in case, but thinks he's just got sensitive skin, because Sweetie (his companion) doesn't have the same problem. He's white and grey with red eyes, - maybe it's linked?
She said some piggies just have sensitive skin. She suggested using coconut oil, although I'm not sure how to apply it. Any thoughts on that are very welcome.
She also said we shouldn't feed pellets - just hay, some veg and if he gets really hungry a small piece of dried bread. I cut down the pellets a little but they end up throwing their bowel around the cage in protest ;).
There is some standard medication that we humans use that can kill piggies (paracetamol / penicillin / can't remember). I figured the antiseptic spray that I use on the kids would be OK. If it doesn't go away I'll take him back and see what she recommends.
Giving dried bread is bad advice I’m afraid
I personally would not use an antiseptic spray and would be looking to another vet to check out possible causes of scratching causes open wounds. I personally feel that if a vet can advise to feed bread to a guinea pig, then the would not be the right vet for me.
Don't feed bread guinea pigs shouldn't have wheat. A good grain free pellet is good. I feed mine Science Selective Grain free at a tablespoon per piggy per day and my piggies love them.