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Our Nightly Routine...

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts USA

Every night, before bed, Gus and I literally share about 45 minutes to an hour of serious snuggle time. In that time, I always tell him the story of how he came to be my Gus. Each night, the story is exactly the same, and every time I'm just about done telling it, this is how I find my little sleepy noggin head... Just about out cold & happily curled up warm, next to my heart.

Here is Gus's and my story:
(This is exactly how I tell it to him each night...)

"Want Momma to tell you the story of how you became my favorite Gus? Well, momma's friend Tim, (he works at the pet store) he knew how much Momma's heart wanted another Abysinnian Guinea pig after Abi passed... So on November 6th, he called me early in the morning to tell me that one had arrived, but it was a male. (Tim thought Momma wanted another female. Tim was wrong...) I asked him about you and he said you were small but handsome, super friendly and had the most gorgeous grey and white hair with this nose that was so adorable, I might faint! I was all smiles and my heart screamed out loud in my chest; "THAT'S GUS!" So I told Tim NOT to let anyone so much as look at you, that you were mine and that your name was Gus.
Tim laughed at Momma and said, "...you sure that's his name? You haven't even seen him yet, he might not look like a Gus?"
Momma told Tim (politely) to shut it and HOLD YOU for me till I could get there. He said he was done at 3:00 so I needed to be there before he left, I said ok!
I arrived at quarter to three, cozy cup all snug & warm inside my roomy carrier, all just for you.
The minute I held you I knew my heart was right. You were my Gus and we would never be apart ever again.
Tim might think Momma's a little crazy, but that's ok, I kinda am!

So then I brought you home, and your first habitat was a sorry excuse of a place, but it was what I had at the time. I immediately got on amazon and bought you more stuff than your little fuzzy self would even imagine!
Momma got you a HUGE habitat, tons of fleece, tubes, wooden houses, wooden chew toys, I happily handed down Abi's pineapple hideaway (she was your late sister who crossed the rainbow bridge about a month before the universe led me to you, and I KNOW she would have wanted you to have it!)

You are growing so big and strong that I can't imagine loving you more- but then I wake up and I see your sweet little fuzzy face looking up at me from your big house, one now befitting of a KING, and I am reminded, every time, that yes Gus, I can and do love you more.

You are Momma's sweet, sweet boy and I will love you forever.
Goodnight my baby boy..."

(Gus lightly snoring...)

Best story, ever.
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I feel so silly but I could cry that's so lovely. Do you have a picture of his home? I'd love to see it :-)
Lovely story. How trusting that Gus falls asleep on your chest. The rhythm of your heart sends him to sleep.
I feel so silly but I could cry that's so lovely. Do you have a picture of his home? I'd love to see it :-)

"Oh Hello! I'm Gus! Welcome to my home... Let me give you a birds eye view! Top left corner is my SUPER FUN TURTLE HUT! (It's a cuddle-E-cup, UPSIDEDOWN! GENIUS!) top right is obviously my manly man log cabin, complete with Timothy hay cubes/bushes for aesthetics...! Then we have my water bottle, my yummy pellets and hay area- love my food zone! Then in the middle, we have my crinkle tube and wooden Rollie toys, WHICH I LOVE! Then in the bottom left we have my pineapple hidey hut lined with fleece, a gift from my late sister, Abby. Then my potty, which I'm still moody about using but Momma keeps putting it back, so, maybe someday I'll get on board! I hope you've enjoyed my house tour, come back anytime!" (Psssst- PLEASE BRING CELERY!)


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"Oh Hello! I'm Gus! Welcome to my home... Let me give you a birds eye view! Top left corner is my SUPER FUN TURTLE HUT! (It's a cuddle-E-cup, UPSIDEDOWN! GENIUS!) top right is obviously my manly man log cabin, complete with Timothy hay cubes/bushes for aesthetics...! Then we have my water bottle, my yummy pellets and hay area- love my food zone! Then in the middle, we have my crinkle tube and wooden Rollie toys, WHICH I LOVE! Then in the bottom left we have my pineapple hidey hut lined with fleece, a gift from my late sister, Abby. Then my potty, which I'm still moody about using but Momma keeps putting it back, so, maybe someday I'll get on board! I hope you've enjoyed my house tour, come back anytime!" (Psssst- PLEASE BRING CELERY!)
Thank you, that looks like a lovely, snuggly home for him.. He is one very much loved and spoilt guinea piggy
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