Our Wild Pet Hedgehog

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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We have a little hedgehog that lives in our back garden as well as another that lives in our front.

Today our little wild hedgehog in our back garden was out and I managed to get a video of him.

Here he is having a little drink.

and a bonus picture, taken zoomed in on my phone so sorry for bad quality.

I reckon a person is lucky to have ONE hedgehog in their garden, but you've got two! I last saw one about 6 years ago.
Such dear little creatures and the gardeners friend. Very rare and sadly declining in numbers.
I reckon a person is lucky to have ONE hedgehog in their garden, but you've got two! I last saw one about 6 years ago.
Such dear little creatures and the gardeners friend. Very rare and sadly declining in numbers.
Yeah we are very lucky. The little one out the front is smaller than the back one. We feed them daily hedgehog food to take care of them. =)
I love seeing them.
I had a big one in my back garden about 6 years ago. I went to the shop around the corner and bought a tin of dog food for him. I shut him in one of my piggie huts until it was dark and then took him to a grassy area and released him. I hope he did all right. Strange that that same week, I'd had a stoat in my back garden too. Thank Heavens my piggies were inside. Never seen either of them since.
I had a big one in my back garden about 6 years ago. I went to the shop around the corner and bought a tin of dog food for him. I shut him in one of my piggie huts until it was dark and then took him to a grassy area and released him. I hope he did all right. Strange that that same week, I'd had a stoat in my back garden too. Thank Heavens my piggies were inside. Never seen either of them since.
Wow a stoat! Thank god they were inside. I've never seen a stoat around my area luckily.

We used to have a big one too but sadly our next door had a giant koi pond and they moved out and the house has been empty and the area had all become overgrown. We hadn't seen the hoggie in a while so dad looked next door and found the hedgehog dead in the water. We were so sad.
Beautiful Garden :) Obviously popular with our prickly friends too

I love hedgehogs they are so sweet
Oh, so sad for the poor drowned Hoggie. If only they had put a bit of wire mesh over the side of the pond so that Hoggie could climb out.
Perhaps your neighbours were not Hedgehog fans?
Beautiful Garden :) Obviously popular with our prickly friends too

I love hedgehogs they are so sweet
Thank you. =) My dad will be happy with all the compliments to his pride and joy.

Me too! I'd love a pet one.
Oh, so sad for the poor drowned Hoggie. If only they had put a bit of wire mesh over the side of the pond so that Hoggie could climb out.
Perhaps your neighbours were not Hedgehog fans?
Yeah very sad.

Ah the neighbours were students who changed every year, none of them put the pond in, it was there from an owner years ago who did have wire over it to protect the fish but once the fish went I guess so did the wire.
The house is still empty so we always worry about anymore drowned hoggies.
gorgeous garden! so nice to see a little hedgehog being cared for and not in a cage :D and you say there is one in your other garden too? thats awesome!
gorgeous garden! so nice to see a little hedgehog being cared for and not in a cage :D and you say there is one in your other garden too? thats awesome!

Thank you ^_^

Yeah the little fellas have decided on who has the front and who the back. :)) They're very adorable! I don't know if they are related or two random hoggies. I've never seen the front one but my dad sees him all the time.
I personally think hedgehogs are adorable! My parents don't prefer gardening, but I would love to have a big, beautiful garden.
I personally think hedgehogs are adorable! My parents don't prefer gardening, but I would love to have a big, beautiful garden.
I'm sure you'll get a hedgehog one day too if you have your dream garden. =)

Lovely garden! Aww he was brave pottering around like that in the day.
I know! I think he was thirsty bless him. He had quite a nice drink.
Aww beautiful, I occasionally see hedgehogs when I driving around my town at night and if they are in the road I always stop and move them to somewhere safe. They are lovely I hope to have some in a garden one day, I hope to have a garden some day lol
Great video and picture, I bet you get a lot of wild animals/ maminals/birds etc. In that lovely garden, ive not seen a hedgehog in years. Its good that you got it in the day time, he must know you are maminal lovers and feel relaxed coming out :D :lol!:
Aww beautiful, I occasionally see hedgehogs when I driving around my town at night and if they are in the road I always stop and move them to somewhere safe. They are lovely I hope to have some in a garden one day, I hope to have a garden some day lol
Thank you. That's a very sweet thing to do and something my dad said he wants to do as well. =)
I hope you are able to have a garden one day =)
As a child I would often see hedgehogs in our garden, sadly not seen any over the last 10 years or so :(
Thank you for posting this Video :)
Yeah they are rare which is so sad. I occasionally see them squished on the road which is sad. I'm glad our two are safe.
You're welcome! ^_^

Great video and picture, I bet you get a lot of wild animals/ maminals/birds etc. In that lovely garden, ive not seen a hedgehog in years. Its good that you got it in the day time, he must know you are maminal lovers and feel relaxed coming out :D :lol!:
Thank you so much. ^_^
Yeah we get tons of wild animals. We have a little mouse that lives in our wall in the garden too. I like watching him scurry around. We had a rat about 2 months ago but thankfully that was briefly.

The hedgehog is out right now.
Awe how lucky!...I created a big wooden stick nest for hoggies on the off chance or one requires a motel for the night...can't tell if it's getting used as it's very far from the house, but at least it's there...sweet things.
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