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Out in their Run today......Does anybody else....?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
South West Somerset, UK.
.....With piggies who are usually kept indoors, keep expecting to hear them wheak every time you come into the room they normally live in, or worst still, even think you hear them wheaking over the radio/music you might be playing next door to the room they are normally in, even though they are outside asleep?! I am and it's very weird! 🤯

They've only been out in their run about three times over the last month or so, so we're just not used to them not being in our living room, and I almost miss them, even though they're just out in the garden! 😆

As you can probably tell, I don't have any children lol! 😂 The Guinea Pigs ARE my children! 😊🥰
Can I ask what runs you all have as I am looking to get one please

I have a wooden framed run with small mesh. I got mine from home and roost and is a folding one for easy winter storage
We have just bought a Zippi run from Omlet to replace our old wooden ones. It is very sturdy and you can buy a standard size 3 panels x 2 panels or you can add additional sections to make the size you need. It is held together with removable clips, so easy to dismantle to store in the winter.
Great thanks what size for 2 sows they are normally in a 2x4 c&c

Anything that is 10 square feet or bigger -
Preferably bigger so that the run gives them more room than their cage

I have a 6ft x 3ft and a 4ftx4ft
.....With piggies who are usually kept indoors, keep expecting to hear them wheak every time you come into the room they normally live in, or worst still, even think you hear them wheaking over the radio/music you might be playing next door to the room they are normally in, even though they are outside asleep?! I am and it's very weird! 🤯

They've only been out in their run about three times over the last month or so, so we're just not used to them not being in our living room, and I almost miss them, even though they're just out in the garden! 😆

As you can probably tell, I don't have any children lol! 😂 The Guinea Pigs ARE my children! 😊🥰
It is always strange when they are out in the run, I have to remind myself to stop talking to them!
Too wet here as well. It has hardly stopped raining for 3 days now.