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Ovarian Cysts

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
My piggy Daisy was diagnosed with ovarian cysts last March. I took her to the vet because she had swollen nipples and had become very sexually aggressive towards my other female piggy Lily. My vet said they were small cysts and so he treated with hormone therapy. Her behaviour changed so quickly and she calmed down and went back to her old self. Over the last couple of months she's lost weight quite gradually and over the past couple of her weeks her behaviour has become sexually aggressive again. She's totally fine in herself and eats well, she's always had a good appetite but always been a petite pig. She's now 883g and has always been around 930-950g. I've got her booked in the vets for Monday but I'm just wondering if it would be worth giving her some critical care to bulk her up a bit? I have a feeling it's the cysts that's causing it but then I wonder if there might be something else underlying that is being masked by the cysts. She's 5 and a half.
It's always so worrying :(
It is usually the small ovarian cysts that cause the aggression issues, not the big ones.

You can try to top her up with hand feed and see whether that is helping. Hopefully, she should settle down again once on hormonal treatment. I am sure that your vet will give her a thorough onceover.
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