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Over Eating The Others Food

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
Leeds uk
Hi I've just bonded my too boys and have an issue with food, dylan my hinges who I go just under 2 weeks ago doesn't eat his veggies I've tried all kinds and he just leaves them or only has small bites.

Then there darren who loves food and eats everything, and gets excited dylan doesn't. He has his food them goes over and eats Dylan's food how do I make it so darren doesn't eat it before dylan even try's it.
You could try feeding vegetables separately, as the same with pellets if you don't have a pellet-free diet for them. Giving them hay is needed at all times, so making two mounds (one for Dylan and another pile Darren) might work.

I had problems with one of my girls, Teddy, who didn't eat much except for hay at the start, so I started her off with little tiny bits of food and then worked up to bigger bits, and she's fine now. If Dylan isn't eating well it might be a teeth problem or something similiar.
I have the same problem with my new piggy. We've had him for a week and he still doesn't like to eat veggies. Our first piggy loves to eat everything and he'll eat his share but our second one doesn't. We figure it's because he's not used to eating veggies so maybe he just needs more time.
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