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I got my Lizzy from P @ H because I wanted another pig and I also wanted a friend for Connie. As I was unsure about guinea pigs at the time, I had to ask lots of questions on how to introduce them etc (This was before I joined this forum) and I have to admit, the lady was very helpful. Lizzy was even seen by their in store vet free of charge before she came home with me. I do not regret my decision as her and Connie have became firm friends (apart from the odd scuffle which I have already opened a thread about). I also got my hamster Grace from the same P @ H and my 2 gerbils Kym and Aggie. I also adopted my chinese hamster Peanut from there and have had know problems with any of them. P @ H Oldham is pretty good. I also agree though that people have had bad experiences and will not agree with some things posted on this thread but everyone has a right to an opinion. I have had a bad experience with a P @ H but i'm not going to go in to that here.
i have to say that the 3 p@h stores we frequent, 2 in Lincoln and 1 in Scunthorpe,depending where we are at the time we remember to go for supplies,are all quite good with their animals in my opinion. the piggies are separated from the rabbits,and are also separated into sexes. in one of the stores,i cant remember which one,there are signs up saying that sexes of animals are not guaranteed,which makes sense,the employees are not experts,and even though some of us may find it very easy to sex a piggy for example,they may not. our small local pet shop is awful compared to p@h, their pigs are housed with their rabbits,in filthy cages that are rarely if ever cleaned out,the owner once said i dont bother with food bowls as they can eat it off the floor and its quicker to feed them all by throwing in a handful rather than picking up individual bowls,and why bother changing woodshavings everytime if you can just add a layer of dry over the old and it will last longer as theres still absorbancy in the old shavings underneath :tickedoff: needless to say that was the last tiem we went in there, they have birds in tiny cages, hamsters many to a tank,several with babies, they breed all of their female animals back to back just removing the babies when they need more to sell :'( at least at p@h the animals are clean, have plenty of good food,hay and fresh veggies and room to move. before we got our piggies we looked at rescuing from rspca and the amount it costs plus the rigmarole of arranging a home check as we live between areas put us well off,for the price of rehoming an older piggy while waiting weeks for the home check to just be arranged,we could have brought a perfectly healthy young piggy from the local petshop. it annoys me how they ask for such large donations,plus if its a pure breed animal it more to adopt :tickedoff: surely a dog is a dog, a cat is a cat, they try to make more money by asking for larger donations for the animals they know people will pay for,which is wrong. at one rspca shelter there were 3 piggies available, 2 normal short haired piggies and 1 satin,the satin was £2 more expensive ? not a lot i know,but extraq money just because its fur was different! i think my rant is over now,i personally wont buy pets from pet shops now as i rehome unwanted pets from freeads type sites rather than proper rescues,but if i did i would rather use a large store like p@h which is well known than a small back street shop which is left to do as it pleases as not enough people know about it (and yes i did report the small shop to the rspca,it has now been taken over and has new owners,fingers crossed it will change)
Tayz said:
I agree, I am personally getting sick of all this moaning as well. You bought the animal, it is your problem, not the animals. Before you buy an animal, check it yourself. When i got mine i double checked and I have never ever gotten the wrong gender of pig. lets not be called "themoaningguineapigforum" lets be called "the guineapigforum" i like the second one better....

-go's on strike- NO more Moaning! NO more Moaning.

I don't think it's a particularly good get-out clause that any shops use "we can't guarantee the sex of our livestock". Come on - my friend's 13 year old and my 85 year old grandmother can do it, it's not rocket science.

No, it's not moaning, it's ranting. Quite rightly so in some cases. Have a look at this piggy. I took her from a person who bought her at P@H, was given no care advice, had her with rabbits in a hutch 2x4 with 4 other piggies because she was never questioned about how she kept her animals.



Unfortunately this is a regular occurrence and it makes me wonder if anyone who sings the praises of pet shops selling animals has seen one of these poor creatures in person.
Terrible Lorna. If people have been through a bad experience then they may think differently. Hope piggy is ok now. :smitten:
Claire W said:
Thats made me so sad :'( Is the piggy better?

Yep, thanks to Thistle Cavies. I don't have much experience with fungal and they (there were 3 of them) had a dreadful case of it so took them up to Wendi who worked her magic on them and they got a lovely home.
awwwww glad hes better,

i'm not taking sides i have no feelings either way on pet shps but i thought this was a thread say nice things? ?
Just had a look. They're so cute :smitten: Some pics are upsetting on the state some pigs are in when they arrive :'( What fantastic work these people do to bring them back to health O0
poppy1775 said:
i'm not taking sides i have no feelings either way on pet shps but i thought this was a thread say nice things? ?

fo.rum (noun) A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.

No matter what the topic, it's always up for discussion, good points or bad.
oh ok its just that at the start of thread i was sure tom asked for our 'good' experiences? ?
He did but I think with this subject its not always possible. I must learn to sit on my hands! >:D
poppy1775 said:
oh ok its just that at the start of thread i was sure tom asked for our 'good' experiences? ?

As I said, regardless of the opening post everything is up for discussion because naturally people will want to share opinions.
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
He did but I think with this subject its not always possible. I must learn to sit on my hands! >:D

lol louise it would be v quite around here if you did ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
jnenbnb said:
So this has just turned into yet another slating of P@H! Great :)

Post about something that is an emotive subject that people have varying experiences of then yes, it's not all going to be fluffs and roses stories. It's not a particularly realistic discussion if you only get one side of the story. Note that a lot of the posts are actually about pet shops in general. Would you prefer people lie about their experiences or not share them at all?
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