Paddy & Rohan - Day 6

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Day 6 of our adventures. I cannot believe it's almost been a week since these beautiful boys came into my life. :D

Not much happened today apart from our floor time and cuddles. The boys enjoyed exploring the kitchen and went from one end to the other, so they are definitely getting bolder, it seems like they are mapping their environment. Paddy as always leads the way but Rohan is never far behind and does little ventures on his own. I have noticed that they are jumping in fear as much as they are getting used to the noises of the house, doors opening, me moving etc and even the beeps on my wheelchair. :D

Cuddle time wasn't as stressful today, Paddy was easy to scoop up out of the strawberry bed, but was a bit restless when I held him. I gave him a little cuddle and stroked him between the eyes, then let him go. He went off exploring again then. Later on I tried Rohan, I managed to get hold of him much easier than yesterday, he was fidgety at first then settled and let me stroke him. I let him go again and he went off following Paddy around the room. I think they enjoyed themselves today as they were making lots of noises and running around everywhere. :)

Here are lots of short video clips from tonight's floor time:

I finally managed to get a video of Rohan doing his interior designing (a.k.a destroying, sitting on and pooping on the strawberry bed) cheeky lil pig! :))

I don't know how much they were handled at the rescue centre, perhaps they are used to it. :)
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Rohan is a bit of a gobbler, I also noticed that in the very early days he used to send Paddy out to get the food, then snatched it off him when he came back in, naughty boy lol! Paddy has started to tell him off now though so he has to come out and get his own food. :xd:
Rohan is a bit of a gobbler, I also noticed that in the very early days he used to send Paddy out to get the food, then snatched it off him when he came back in, naughty boy lol! Paddy has started to tell him off now though so he has to come out and get his own food. :xd:
Haha! That is funny!
Ohhhh they are cuties. I look foreward to your videos every day :) The strawberry bed being rocked around made me laugh so much.
He does far worse than that, I just missed it, by the time I got the camera on on my phone he'd gone inside. He literally jumps onto it and squashes it all down, sometimes even when Paddy is inside, poor Paddy. So he gets told off then. It's funny when I come down in the morning and the bed is all squashed, it looks like the strawberry has wilted. XD I'll see if I can get a better video next time he does it. :D
Glad to hear the lap time went better :) I see you have an interior designer too :)) Another great update!
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