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Peaches Saw Little Ear!

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New Born Pup
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So after I bought Peaches from the pet store and her being 4+ weeks, I was just stroking her and noticed cracked skin behind her ear, the vet said it was a scratch, that was infected that has irritated her ear! I couldn't see a scratch but she never let's me have a close look! In the picture attached you can see her swollen red ear. She generally hates me being near it as she shakes her head of I go near or touch it :/The vet gave me an antibacterial wash and some medicine to feed her through a syringe. However she said if it isn't that then to come back as it could be a number of things? I just generally wanted to know what you guys think?


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Hiya and welcome to this fab friendly forum, I'm not the best to help sorry but I just wanted to say you have done the right thing getting this check by a vet, if you are not seeing an improvement best to make another appointment with them. Which pet shop did you get her from? We hear a lot about poorly piggies from pets at home on here sadly.
I hope she gets better quickly, is she eating and drinking fine? I know you said you carnt go near her ears but have you seen if they look ok inside?
Hi! I got her from a pet shop called NU pets in carlisle. I'm now put off this pet shop as they sold me a male when I asked for a female so I had to go back and swap which was sad. They always have complaints about selling poorly pets or wrong genders. Peaches was in a cage with her litter mates but shouldn't have been in with the males which I pointed out and they hopefully took them out! The vet believes one of her siblings may have done the scratch and it just got infected! She is drinking and eating fine, she loves the veggies I give her and she's still very lively and she's very sociable, she loves popcorning around her cage when she can hear Peppa moving about (hopefully introducing them soon)! I had a look inside and they seem clean and fine :) thanks for the reply! Hopefully it clears up after the medicine and wash!
Hi! I got her from a pet shop called NU pets in carlisle. I'm now put off this pet shop as they sold me a male when I asked for a female so I had to go back and swap which was sad. They always have complaints about selling poorly pets or wrong genders. Peaches was in a cage with her litter mates but shouldn't have been in with the males which I pointed out and they hopefully took them out! The vet believes one of her siblings may have done the scratch and it just got infected! She is drinking and eating fine, she loves the veggies I give her and she's still very lively and she's very sociable, she loves popcorning around her cage when she can hear Peppa moving about (hopefully introducing them soon)! I had a look inside and they seem clean and fine :) thanks for the reply! Hopefully it clears up after the medicine and wash!
Fingers crossed these meds work for her. You should take your vet bill and your guinea pig receipt into the pet shop and ask them if they can refund you the vet cost. Keep an eye on your little lady for signs of pregnancy due to being in with a male (and your not sure for how long for). Great to hear she's well in herself and her ears look fine inside. Keep us posted on how she gets on :)
I agree with keeping her on pregnancy watch if she was in with her brothers in the shop.

What medicine have you been given? was it Baytril? if so you will need to give her probiotics too as Baytril can affect the gut. They should be given at least an hour after the Baytril, the easiest to get hold of is ProC from Pets at Home. Here is a link though:

The oral medicine is baytril! So I will have a look into buying probiotics! Her wash for her ear is hibiscrub! I know the vet said she will only give a small dosage of baytril as it can affect her! Thanks for the reply!
PLease open a thread in our pregnancy section for Peaches for information and ongoing support/advice if there is a chance that she could be pregnant. Add her age, background and how long you have had her, so we can establish a timeline and make sure that she is as fighting fit as possible.
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