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Penny Is Going To The Vet :(

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
USA Missouri
My sweet favorite girl (I know, but I have to admit it, she is my sweet girl and I love her soooo much) Penny, my avatar, is going to the vet today in about 3 hours. She isn't eating right, maybe something with her teeth or mouth...she hasn't broken a tooth as far as I can see, at least nothing in the front, but she can't chew very well and isn't acting like herself. I just noticed this today, and I keep a very close watch on them because they are in the same room with me during most of the day...

She isn't young, in August she would be 4yrs old...so she is getting up there. I am sad, she is my lovely little wee one that lets me pet her and has such an outgoing personality...
Keeping her in my thoughts please let us know how she gets on? Is she masticating, dropping food etc...? x
Well, here is the update...I'm firmly on the "sick piggy rollercoaster" and it is not a fun ride!

After taking her to one vet that said it wasn't a abscess in her mouth and that it was "probably overgrown bottom molars" I found another vet who was actually able to look at all her teeth, and said she saw 'some' points on them, but overall they weren't too bad, but she did find a huge mass under her chin...I think this must have sprung up pretty fast, because I saw the first vet feel all around Penny's mouth that first day, so it isn't like she didn't examine there...and when I went to the first vet Penny was still eating on her own, but very slowly...less than two days later is when I saw the second vet, and by then Penny couldn't eat at all, and she had stopped drinking too...

Sooooo, the vet tried to drain it...(sorry this is going to be gross) but there wasn't any puss...just blood...and lots of it, they basically had to almost give her a bath to clean her up...poor baby. So the vet looked at the blood sample under a scope and didn't see any infection bacteria...so it is possible it is cancer, but none of her other lymph nodes were swelled. Now, remember, there are NO piggy specialist vets in my city (not a small city either) so I have to deal with realities here...the 2nd vet I saw does have experience with piggies, but I'm afraid to report that where I live I have NEVER heard of anyone taking their guinea pig to a vet...and A LOT of families have piggies for their kids, it is disappointing, but I can't be too judgmental, if I hadn't found this forum I wouldn't have known you could take a piggy to a vet either. But it does mean that vets don't get a lot of them to see...mostly they will only treat for general illnesses. I did find a couple places that would do molar trims...guess how much that costs here? $200-$400 each time, and always with anesthesia. (in British pounds that is 132 - 264)

We decided to put her on a course of antibiotics (batryl) with a probiotic, and she taught me how to syringe feed her with critical care, and she gave me pain med. So I had my first night of all night feedings. We are doing OK with it, although I've made a mess of her pretty white fur in the front. I'm to give her 3 tablespoons critical care a day, vet said split it into 3 and feed her 3 times in a day...but I wanted to make sure her system wasn't stalling since she hadn't eaten in at least half-1 day...and she won't take that huge amount in one sitting anyway...so I'm giving her as many times per day she needs to get that all down...we'll see how it goes.

She has perked up a bit from the feedings, and will take some "very" small pieces of solid food from my hand...I think the lump, or whatever, will not allow her to close her mouth all the way. She is pooping but not "recycling" it if you know what I mean. At the very least I will have some very special bonding time with her because of all the syringe feeding...which is lovely...I thought yesterday I'd lose her...so even a few more days with her is nice, to see her perked up a bit.

We don't know what the lump is, or the cause, it could still be an abscess from a tooth problem in the root or something and I don't know what the next step would be if this doesn't work, but I'm going to syringe feed her through the weekend and check back in with the vet on Monday.

Penny herself doesn't seem to be suffering or aware of a problem, she never was very smart. :) I'm the one doing all the suffering.

I have been a weeping mess and haven't been able to do any of my normal things, personal or work (I work from home) And now I'm super tired to boot. So that is it for this update..., except to say that I am SOOOOOOOO happy I introduced baby Nutmeg to the two old girls last month...they all get along soo much better now than when it was just the two older girls, it is like Nutmeg gives them something in common that they both like. And I don't have to worry about Honey being alone if Penny crosses the bridge....
She has a pain med, metacam, but it is only prescribed once a day. I syringe fed her about a hour ago...for the last 20 minutes she has been trying to eat hay on her own, but nothing went in... :( I gave her one clover, it went in, but then came out again..., thank you for your kind words, I will be looking to my guinea forum moral support cheerleaders for those words that sooth me...my hubby has been great...he is very supportive, and sad...
I just read the syringe feeding guide...been a while since I looked at that because I've never had to use it...the instructions are different than the vet gave me, hopefully, I haven't aspirated the poor thing (I don't think I did, but the guidelines freaked me out a bit)...but, we do our best and learn along the way...The vet told me to give her yoghurt, but that didn't seem right to me, so I put half a capsule of probiotic powder straight into her dry critical care that I portioned out for the day....and I think she got down a small piece of banana with Vit C drops on it...but I thought the critical care also had vit C...also, the vet didn't tell me about the extra hydration...I've been just trying to water down the critical care a bit (although the other day I tried to give her water from a syringe, but more along the lines of, "hey Penny, suck on this..." because it was before the vet showed me how to open her mouth)...so obviously, that didn't work.

I also ordered a wonderful small engraved pocket stone with her name engraved on it (and ones for my other pigs...might as well save on shipping and get them all at once) and an engraving of a guinea pig...and I have one of her hairs in my locket ring....I'm preparing for the worst...

the stones are cute though, and reasonably priced...I found it on Etsy for $5 plus shipping (actually, I contacted them to see if they had a guinea pig icon, and they did, yay!)...
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with her. I'm in Canada and it's fairly unusual to find people who get good vet care for their guinea pigs here as well. I've managed to find a great vet, but it took me quite a bit of time. I just want to send you and Penny lots of good vibes. Keep up with the feeding and take it from there. You're giving her every chance to recover and that's all you can do. Good vibes to you both!
Penny is in her forever sleep, dreaming of oat hay and carrots. I'll post in the rainbow bridge section when I feel up to it...
Penny is in her forever sleep, dreaming of oat hay and carrots. I'll post in the rainbow bridge section when I feel up to it...

I am so sorry, you and her were really up against it. You did everything you could and are a credit to her for trying to battle through this for her, sometimes there is nothing we can do. Massive hugs, we are all here for you. x
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