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Perplexing behaviors


New Born Pup
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
Curious about my girls’ behavior. They often run away when I put my hand in their cage, but sometimes when I extend a finger they will nose butt it and will let me pet their nose. I know that doing that sort of thing with each other is similar to a greeting, but thoughts on when they do this to me?
Also, we got our first girl and she bonded to us very quickly. She was comfortable being held, would sleep next to me while I worked on my computer and would lick me from time to time. Since we got our second little girl, she is more skidish and less interested in us. Any thoughts on what could have changed her behavior towards us?
It just sounds as if sometimes they are more confident. A finger is perhaps less threatening than an entire hand coming into their cafe.

it’s perfectly normal for her to be less interested in you now she has a friend of her own. She doesn’t rely entirely on you for any fom of interaction any more (not that human interaction can ever make up for having another piggy), but as herd animals, piggies only want to be with their own kind.