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Well, i'm Tracy, i'm 26 years old and I live in Crewe, Cheshire.

I live with my boyfriend Steve and we been seeing each other, just coming up to 3 years, and living together for 2 years.

More than anything else in the world I would love to be engaged and get married asap, so I can be Steves wife.... Sounds very sad - but true! hehe

Nice to meet you all - hehe ;)

SweetEdge said:
I live with my boyfriend Steve and we been seeing each other, just coming up to 3 years, and living together for 2 years.

More than anything else in the world I would love to be engaged and get married asap, so I can be Steves wife.... Sounds very sad - but true! hehe


It doesn't sound sad at all, it sounds lovely! I've been married 17 years and it was the best thing I ever did :)

awww thankyou :)

Gives me something to look forward to in the future :)

Trace x
I got married at 18, biggest mistake of my life, we split after only 3 months. I'm now with a guy have been for almost 3 years, I feel the same now T ;)
I get married next year


I hope its lucky for me :)
oooooooo, day after my birthday ;D

I'm sure you'll have a superb day! Where are you getting married? church hotel or regisrty office?
Oh wow congrats Billies mum! Hope you have a wonderful day! ;)

Trace x
I'm Clare and I'm 20 years old, and have nothing that interesting about me really, except that I go on quite a few forums.

Clare, I'm sure that you are a very interesting lady...

You love piggies for a start!

I'm getting wed in a hotel in Dorset.
I'm trying to lose weight for a nice frock, but ive just accidentally eaten a pice of cake
It fell into my mouth - honest!
Oooh - never been called a lady before ;)

But back to you: CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding; I hope you have a wonderful day :)
What can I say

I colleague had put it there despite me saying NO! NO CAKE!
And then I went to the toilet and when i came back I tripped up over the carpet and landed face down on my desk and my mouth went over the cake and it slipped right in
I'm going to remember this excuse, oops sorry explanation for future use 2funny 2funny
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