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Pig bleeding from his genitalia

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
Just went out to see pigs and there is blood all over the floor. Brownpig is bleeding out of his... Er...penis and the was quite a lot of it afte i picked him up and got some paper towels. It seems to have stopped now, and he seems ok in himself, has had some food and he is now in a Pigbag.

I suspect he and Blackpig were humping and Blackpig may have bitten him or at least caught him eith his teeth. Trouble is, if it is hidden away, how can i tell?

Any suggestions on what i should do?
If you are not able to extrude his penis and check for yourself I strongly suggest phoning the emergency vet - boars have been known to partially amputate or severely damage a cagemate's penis. Hopefully it is nothing more than a nip and it will heal well.

This link shows you how the extrude the penis - please do not pull on anything that looks odd, the penis is a complex and odd looking structure if you are unfamiliar with piggy bits and pieces.

He will likely need painrelief and possibly some repair so please visit the vet as soon as you can, tonight if at all possible.

Suzy x
I have put them in the other house and restricted flor time for now (they usually get the entire conservatory to run around). He stopped bleeding at the same time as i posted last. I had a try at squeezing it out but he is awriggler, i have ahard enough time checking toenails, not even clipping them.

He is eating and has had a piddle which is what i was worried about. I have the emergency vets number fom the last issues with Beans. Will stay up for a while and keep an eye on him. I suspect he will be fine. I have given them a clean house with newspaper not shavings or sawdust. He wanted to go and hump his mate again when i put him on the floor,i ckearly need to hide nearby somewhere and take pictures of it when he is at it.
I have put them in the other house and restricted flor time for now (they usually get the entire conservatory to run around). He stopped bleeding at the same time as i posted last. I had a try at squeezing it out but he is awriggler, i have ahard enough time checking toenails, not even clipping them.

He is eating and has had a piddle which is what i was worried about. I have the emergency vets number fom the last issues with Beans. Will stay up for a while and keep an eye on him. I suspect he will be fine. I have given them a clean house with newspaper not shavings or sawdust. He wanted to go and hump his mate again when i put him on the floor,i ckearly need to hide nearby somewhere and take pictures of it when he is at it.
Managed to squeeze it out for a look this aft, and although the tip looks quite sore there are no obvious cuts or wounds. I didnt want to potentially infect the area by cleaning it, as it looked clean already and he would have objected if it had stung him.

He obviously isnt worried, he was rumblestrutting this eve and trying it on with blackpig again. Obviously hasnt learnt the lesson!

Will keep him on newspaper and inside for tge next couple of days just to make sure he dant get any bits stuck in there.
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