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Pig Left 5 Days For Care, Different Behaviour Now

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New Born Pup
Mar 5, 2015
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Hi all, we got Helmut in October of last year. We have left him to the store where we got him when we go on holidays, as they have good service there. I have just been away 5 days and got him back yesterday. He was very energetic and loud before, very active even when I handled him. Now it's like he's scared. He doesn't squeak much, even for food. I used to be awaken by his squeaking in the morning, but nothing. I tried to hold him, but he just froze. Even the food didn't interest him. I still talk to him, give him food from my hand, but he is not interacting as much as he used to. I can not understand if he just needs time to get readjusted, if I did something wrong, but it starts to worry me a bit. Anyone with similar experience or advice?
Hi and welcome!

It doesn't sound like he has had a great time and he sounds very frightened. Hopefully, you can coax him out of his shell over the next few days.

Here are some tips which may help you bringing Helmut out again:

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