Piggies Names?

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Maisy and Poppy

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Can you tell me how you came up with your piggies names please? I really want to see what name is the most popular? Do they have posh names?
I thought Maisy and Poppy because they are quite cute and my piggies looked like a Maisy or a Poppy! Poppy my avatar is Flappy Eared Fumbo and Maisy Moo is Brown Eyed Honey!
Eddie was originally paired with Reggie, and we wanted some 'old man' type names. Reggie was named after my friends favourite patient at work! When Reggie died Eddie got a new baby friend who had been born at the nearby rescue to a piggy named Brie. It was decided that the babies would also have cheese themed names, and so Montys full name is actually Monterey Jack Cheese ;)

Celeste was already named at the rescue with her sister Oriana. Oriana reminds me of a cruise ship so I wanted to change her name haha. As we already had a Celeste my friend suggested Daphne. If you haven't heard of Daphne and Celeste you didn't grow up during the naff nineties :))
Cookie, I thought was a cute name and suited her, though it is quite a common yet cute name.
Beano, I don't know where I got that name from it wasn't from the magazine. She is a sow but it still suits her.
Peaches, I had that name on my 'Guinea Pig Name List' ( I know I'm weird having a list but it will help for new piggies in the future!) and I was looking at that and I said that is what I want to name him since he had an eye patch the colour of a peach. Later on I found out that he was a boar but it is a cute name so I don't want to change it.
Smudge, is a little black baby sow with a brown smudge on her nose.
Cookie, I thought was a cute name and suited her, though it is quite a common yet cute name.
Beano, I don't know where I got that name from it wasn't from the magazine. She is a sow but it still suits her.
Peaches, I had that name on my 'Guinea Pig Name List' ( I know I'm weird having a list but it will help for new piggies in the future!) and I was looking at that and I said that is what I want to name him since he had an eye patch the colour of a peach. Later on I found out that he was a boar but it is a cute name so I don't want to change it.
Smudge, is a little black baby sow with a brown smudge on her nose.
I have always loved the name Smudge lol!
Kevin was after a guy who went to the football with my dad. Kev has black and white colouring which is the team I support.
Herbert was because I love surreal names for animals :p
Tikka was already names when I got her, so when I got Chilli and Salsa I followed the sauce theme. Decided I didn't like anymore sauce names after that so started with old fashioned womens names. So then I got Mavis and Dory who I named, as they were previously called Beyonce and Shakira! Bess, Winnie and Lyza followed suit of old fashioned womens names :)
Tikka was already names when I got her, so when I got Chilli and Salsa I followed the sauce theme. Decided I didn't like anymore sauce names after that so started with old fashioned womens names. So then I got Mavis and Dory who I named, as they were previously called Beyonce and Shakira! Bess, Winnie and Lyza followed suit of old fashioned womens names :)
Really cute names!
Nutmeg and Cinnamon because I got them near Christmas and they are both christmsy spices x
Galaxy was named after my favourite car, nibbles because he liked to nibble.. Roddy because when we first got him we thought his nose was long like a rat lol and fuzzums after a teddy bear off a kids program I used to watch
Our original pair were Linney Cupcake and Frenzy Popcorn. I let the kids name them. My daughter chose Linney from the kids' show Wonderpets (she was about four and loved that show at the time) and I'm not sure where Cupcake came from (or hte idea that guinea pigs should have middle names, but all our pigs have had middle names because of that!) My son named Frenzy after one of the Transformers, and Popcorn as a middle name because she was very bouncy! After that we got Sundae. My daughter picked it because she thought she looked like an ice cream cone (she is white and tan/yellow and my daughter thought she looked like butterscotch ripple ice cream, and her red eyes were the cherries on top of the ice cream sundae.... hence Sundae. Middle name is Vanilla, as it seemed to go well with Sundae!) For Hadley, my son is a big sci-fic/horror fan and named her out of the movie Aliens (the colony that is wiped out by the aliens in that movie is called Hadley's Hope.) Her middle name is Cupcake, in memory of Linney.
i used a name generator for wicca, she earned the title of 'the destroyer'
and my sister insisted i call one of them professor something, and i saw her sticking her head out of the side of her house and dragging it around so i called her turtle
hence Wicca the Destroyer and Professor Turtle
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