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Piggy Humping

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
i have four girl guineas but my youngest two keep mounting each other and humping! What on earth is going on?
Hormones, dominance, mine do it as well on occasions, they pee on each other as well, rumble strut and just typically wind each other up lol. Oh and two of them make a whining noise lol.
Hormones, dominance, mine do it as well on occasions, they pee on each other as well, rumble strut and just typically wind each other up lol. Oh and two of them make a whining noise lol.

My youngest (willow) whos 5 months old, pees on belle whos 7 months old. They both hump each other at different times depending on who is in heat. Belle wasnt a baby when we got her as needed rehoming but she is very small as was malnourished when we got her. Had to syringe feed her and treat her for respiratory illness (long storybut never get a pet from pets@home!). Even though she is only a couple months older than willow she looks like a baby. Could willow be asserting her authority? Uf so why does she display herself to belle? My eldest Ginny also finds it fun to join in the humping game whilst they are having floor time! She wasnt even in heat but was popcornjng. Willow was not happy about it witj ginny though!
Yeah it does sound like that's what she's doing :) It's all normal, I'd only worry if it turns into chattering and it looks like their ready to have a fight.

We got ours as a group of four, now we think that Badger was the main sow of the cage so to speak, since Badger passed on the girls have been naughty and doing what your experiencing with your girls, every single day they argue lol, the smallest Cocoa rumble struts around the cage which is funny to watch. They are worse than the boars in my experience lol.
Yeah it does sound like that's what she's doing :) It's all normal, I'd only worry if it turns into chattering and it looks like their ready to have a fight.

We got ours as a group of four, now we think that Badger was the main sow of the cage so to speak, since Badger passed on the girls have been naughty and doing what your experiencing with your girls, every single day they argue lol, the smallest Cocoa rumble struts around the cage which is funny to watch. They are worse than the boars in my experience lol.

No fighting just squealing and chasing. Sometimes pop corning too. Very funny to watch :-). Glad its normal though. Worried we had got boys lol. Ginny has never done before but seems to want to join in when the others are at it lol. Our other one luna not interested though.
lol haha. That's the thing, people think Boar's are the naughty ones, but I think it's the Sows! I love watching our guinea's they are like little furby's lol.
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