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Dental Piggy Missing Bottom Tooth.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi All,

I've just been checking my boy's teeth (he has ongoing issues with his front teeth) and have found that the lower right tooth has fallen out!

He is perfectly happy (he can't understand the fuss!) and I've not noticed any change in his eating, but the tooth above is about a mm longer than the other but not causing any damage to his mouth, yet.

I take him for regular grindings, so will call the vets tomorrow (I have an amazing vet) to see if it needs any action.

What I am hoping for is some advice on why this has happened, what can I do to stop it happening again and what I should be looking out for as potential problems.


P.S I give them lots of fresh veg and they have it C enriched food so I don't think it is scurvy........
I don't know why it would have happened but when I first got my piggies (4 years ago) Bumble decided to climb on top of Bea to jump out the box I was carrying them in and faceplanted the patio. She was extremely lucky to get away with a grazed nose and a broken tooth. One of her top teeth fell out after a day (must have broken below the gum line), like you have found the tooth opposite grew a tad longer than its counterpart but I found when the new tooth grew through this soon corrected itself. Definitely worth checking with the vet to be sure though and of course keep your eye on it
Astro had an abscess last year near to the bottom tooth he lost last October/November. He has managed quite well and has maintained his weight at around 1250gms without any trips to the vets. We ensure that plenty of hay is available and when fresh hay is put in the corner tray he rushes forward and belly flops on it so he gets first dabs on it. We keep an eye on it and although the top teeth are not perfect they are in means long due to the regular eating. If we had concern he would be straight back to Simon.
I dot know how old your piggie is or his history so it is difficult to put his problems into context in terms of cause.
Brittle incisors can be due to a number of things including underlying infection (either sytemic or jaw) or even just down to "past history/poor diet"

I have three pigs >4yrs who all have at least one PERMANENTLY missing incisor.
I weigh them twice weekly and monitor their eating habits closely.
I ensure they get regular (3-6 monthly) conscious dental inspections from Uncle Simon at Cat and Rabbit in N'ton (6 hr round trip) .
I also give them softened nuggets every other day to facilitate their food intake and keep their weight up.

Other than that - they are happy, healthy, can eat timothy and other hays and i just let then "get on with it"


Thanks for all the advice, comforting in a way to know that he should be ok, even if it does not grow back!

Spoke to the vets and they say keep an eye on it and to go in if I feel he is in any danger.

I was checking the gums just now and noticed there are two dark brown lines in the gum where the tooth would normally be. Has anyone seen this when there has been a tooth loss?

There have been no falls and for as long as I have had him, he has eaten better than my husband............my vet thinks the tooth problem is down to genetics through poor breeding, he is a pets at home piggy :(.
I weigh him regularly after the first teeth issue where I had to hand feed him for a month, after he stopped eating over Xmas. He has put weight on, and is being very demanding about all food he can get!

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