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Piggy Nail File?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 18, 2014
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I have a question that someone might be able to help me with. My baby piggy Willow (5-6 months old) has the sharpest but smallest nails and when we tried clipping them she wouldnt keep still and we made her bleed on one toe. Her front nails are even smaller so we darent try those. Are pet nail files suitable and if so can one be recommended. Also what is the stuff you can dip their toes in that stops the bleeding? Thanks x
I didn't know you could get pet nail files. My vet suggested using an emery board on spurs before to help keep them down without damaging the skin. I think I would worry about damaging a toe doing the nail though.

I've used cornflour before to stop bleeding but I know there is an actual medical thingy (pen I think) that does it but I can't recall the name
A styptic pencil will do the job. If you persevere with the clippers, your piggy should get used to it. Two people are sometimes needed. I would stay clear of a nail file, think of the image of trying to file a human babies nails with a massive metal working file.
Nail cutting is definitely a two-person job, and it can be very tricky indeed - especially for a new piggy! Plenty of floor-time on a hard surface will help to file the nails.
Nail cutting is definitely a two-person job, and it can be very tricky indeed - especially for a new piggy! Plenty of floor-time on a hard surface will help to file the nails.
Does it damage or hurt them if you clip too close and make them bleed. One of my piggies isnt a problem but the other two wont keep still and Willows nails are so tiny they impossible. Felt so bad after i made her bleed. Thought a file would be safer.
Does it damage or hurt them if you clip too close and make them bleed. One of my piggies isnt a problem but the other two wont keep still and Willows nails are so tiny they impossible. Felt so bad after i made her bleed. Thought a file would be safer.

It shouldn't cause any lasting damage, no. Don't feel bad - we've all done it! Piggies can be so wriggly, and it's especially tough if they have dark coloured nails. I imagine it to be more discomfort, rather than pain - a bit like if we accidentally cut our own nails too short, or catch them on something and make them bleed. If the bleeding doesn't stop then you would need to go to the vet, but other than that, don't worry :)
It shouldn't cause any lasting damage, no. Don't feel bad - we've all done it! Piggies can be so wriggly, and it's especially tough if they have dark coloured nails. I imagine it to be more discomfort, rather than pain - a bit like if we accidentally cut our own nails too short, or catch them on something and make them bleed. If the bleeding doesn't stop then you would need to go to the vet, but other than that, don't worry :)
The bleeding stopped eventually but she squealed when it happened so thought id really hurt her. Can you recommend a steptic powder as suggested by another member to use as they all say for cats and dogs. Thanks.
The bleeding stopped eventually but she squealed when it happened so thought id really hurt her. Can you recommend a steptic powder as suggested by another member to use as they all say for cats and dogs. Thanks.
You can buy a styptic pencil, but I've only ever used cornflour to stop the bleeding so I can't recommend one. I imagine that your vet would sell them.
You can buy a styptic pencil, but I've only ever used cornflour to stop the bleeding so I can't recommend one. I imagine that your vet would sell them.
Thankyou. Found one on amazon. Still wondering about trying the files though. Anyone know of any good ones?
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