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Pink feet...

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Fudge and Rainbow :)

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
When Lily was running around my room, piggy train with Petal, x) I noticed her back feet looked very pink. Is this normal? I will try get a pic.
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Lots of piggies have very pink feet, as long as they are not raw or sore they are perfectly normal.
If her feet are very pink, like almost a red colour, then it could be because of the bedding. One of my guinea-pigs, Marmalade, her feet go red when she has woodshavings, so I put a layer of hay on top of the woodshavings. I think its because they can dry their feet out, though I don't know for sure :)
Was she hot? One of my pigs who is light in colour has rosier feet and ears if she's warm... as long as they are not swollen or inflamed I would say it's fine. Maybe take a look when she is calm and resting to see if it's just flush from exercise or excitement.
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