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Pinky Had An Eyefull....of Hay

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Yorkshire UK
I thought I might point out a particular type of grass/hay that is unwelcome in the hayloft here at Dindy Towers.
It has been removed from an eye of each if the Skinnies. As you will see from the fotos below, it is quite fine and delicate looking. But don't let that fool you; because of this it easily gets onto little eyes and curls round the eye under the eyelids.

The picture below shows the seed head and just to the left of it is the offending piece that was taken from Pinkys eye.

This is a better look at the piece of hay removed from Pinkys eye. As you can see, it is long enough to curl round his eyeball plus some.

Poor Pinky feeling very sorry for himself after the removal of the hay. He is having some Optrex Infected Eye Drops to help bring down the swelling and flush out any remaining tiny seeds.
Poor Pinky! I hope that he will feel better in himself soon! Great that you get the bit of hay out before it caused an ulcer.
Poor little chap, just had the same issue with one of our older residents - horrible stuff
I'm sure Pinky feels better though, after she's had a bit of her food removed!
Poor Pinky.
Poor pinky. My baby sophie had hay in her eye this morning after expensive vet visit it was concluded that her cornea was scratch andcwas given drops. Fingers crossed pinjy and sophie are better soon x
Poor Pinky! It never fails to amaze me where you can find bits of hay in and around a guinea pig. That particular kind looks like it's going to cause problems though if it is regularly finding it's way into places it shouldn't be!
Hope he is feeling better soon, well spotted.
Aw poor pinky :( hope he feels better soon! What's the name of this hay/grass that you bought so I can avoid it in future please? x
I have found this particular type of grass in most bags and bales of hay along with other fine/small grasses that are similar.
It appears that smaller grasses have developed aggressive ways of dispersal. I have magnified a couple of different types of grass/hay for you to see the barbs that are used to help disperse the seeds. The barbs, I think are what caused the irritation in Pinky's eye.

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