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Please Can You Help,guinea Pig With Tilted Head To One Side!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 22, 2015
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Good afternoon All.I wonder if any of you would be so kind,as to possibly tell me,what could possibly be wrong with our little piggy Cookie.She is eating and drinking normally,and upon going to feed her at teatime,she seems to be lopsided on the left side of her head.It is tilted.This is very odd,as I have never had a piggy before that has had this.She was fine this morning when I checked her,and through the day,as I talk to and check them all regulary. I have been unable to get a vets appointment this afternoon,but have one for 9.20am tomorrow morning thank goodness. I am very worried about her,and am dreading what could possibly happen overnight.I don't want to come down and find her passed away in the morning.Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.Many thanks.Sue.
You have done the right thing booking her in for an appointment. I have no advice but want to say good luck.
It could be an ear infection or mites causing this possibly but I'm not sure, these are things I've read about in the past you see. Monitor her to ensure she is eating and drinking and pooping and otherwise well in herself. It's good if she is still doing all of these things but of course if anything changes then ring your vets, they more often than not have the on call/emergency number on their answer phone.
Good luck with the vets and let us know how you get on :)
Good afternoon All.I wonder if any of you would be so kind,as to possibly tell me,what could possibly be wrong with our little piggy Cookie.She is eating and drinking normally,and upon going to feed her at teatime,she seems to be lopsided on the left side of her head.It is tilted.This is very odd,as I have never had a piggy before that has had this.She was fine this morning when I checked her,and through the day,as I talk to and check them all regulary. I have been unable to get a vets appointment this afternoon,but have one for 9.20am tomorrow morning thank goodness. I am very worried about her,and am dreading what could possibly happen overnight.I don't want to come down and find her passed away in the morning.Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.Many thanks.Sue.

A head tilt is most likely due to an ear infection, but it can be also caused by neurological problems or ear mites. Good that you have booked her in as soon as you can. As she is still eating and otherwise not affected, I would not yet panic; whatever it is, you are catching it as early as possible! ;)

If you wish, you can start weighing her daily at the same time in the feeding cycle, so you have got a comparison if things get worse. Any weight loss over 50g in a short time may require further support (topping up with hand feed).

If you get prescribed an antibiotic, please also ask for a probiotic to give a pinch of 1-2 hours after the antibiotic in order to buffer the gut fauna. Extra vitamin C can also help to boost the immune system.

Wishing you all the best! Please keep us updated.
You have done the right thing booking her in for an appointment. I have no advice but want to say good luck.
Thank you.I will let you know what the vet says.Cookie has been eating,and is now resting quietly in her house.It is very strange to say the least.Ihave her sat nestled into my chest at the moment.She seems quieter than normal but she seems quite settled and is still toasty and warm,she is reacting to sounds around ger,so i am just praying nothing happens to her overnight,as i will be so upset if i lose her now.
A head tilt is most likely due to an ear infection, but it can be also caused by neurological problems or ear mites. Good that you have booked her in as soon as you can. As she is still eating and otherwise not affected, I would not yet panic; whatever it is, you are catching it as early as possible! ;)

If you wish, you can start weighing her daily at the same time in the feeding cycle, so you have got a comparison if things get worse. Any weight loss over 50g in a short time may require further support (topping up with hand feed).

If you get prescribed an antibiotic, please also ask for a probiotic to give a pinch of 1-2 hours after the antibiotic in order to buffer the gut fauna. Extra vitamin C can also help to boost the immune system.

Wishing you all the best! Please keep us updated.
Thank you so much for your help.Ihope this is just an ear infection and nothing more serious.She is sat on my chest having cuddles,and is toasty and warm.She is talking away to me quietly,and i am just praying that nothing happens to her overnight,Don't think i will sleep much tonight as i will keep checking on her.Iwill let you know what the vet says in the morning,Fingers crossed.
It could be an ear infection or mites causing this possibly but I'm not sure, these are things I've read about in the past you see. Monitor her to ensure she is eating and drinking and pooping and otherwise well in herself. It's good if she is still doing all of these things but of course if anything changes then ring your vets, they more often than not have the on call/emergency number on their answer phone.
Good luck with the vets and let us know how you get on :)
Thank you very much.I have the emergency vet number to hand,i am praying i don't need to use it tonight.I will et you know how we get on tomorrow when we have come back from the vets.Fingers crossed.
aswell as the things mentioned, head tilt can also be a reaction to pain, as i found out with my piggy maisie when she had something stuck in her eye! no idea why but she tilted her head and as soon as the hay in her eye was removed, her head went back. i'd never heard of it before and the other things mentioned are more likely, but thought it was interesting to mention as you don't see it mentioned much even though the vet said they see it happen alot with pain anywhere around the head area. hope your little one will be ok.
Thank you.Yes,I have read about hay scratching the eye etc,but Cookies seem fine,but well worth a check still me thinks! Thank you for your help.
Good morning all.Well Cookie is still with me this morning,can you hear the sound of great relief! She has eaten breakfast and been drinking,and there is no sign of a head tilt this morning,she appears perfectly normal.Still going to pop her to the vets to have her chcked anyway,so will let you all know the outcome a little later this morning.
oooo the cheeky little monkey getting you all panicked like that! Hope she comes back with a clean bill of health but well worth keeping the vets appointment to make sure there isn't something lurking that might reappear
Best of luck! Piggies can give you frights! Good that you are having her checked anyway.
Sending healing vibes and hopes she gets on well at the vets :)
Thank you.Been to the vets and he says he cannot see anything in her ears,but just to be on the safe side,he has given Cookei an antibiotic jab and an anti imflammatory jab too,just to make sure.If she becomes loppy again,to ring the vets and he will prescribe some meds for her to take by mouth as well.Cookie squealed rather loudly to say the east when she was jabbed,but then she is the smallest piggy of the lot bless her.Mind you,I can't abide jabs too,so she has had lots of cuddles,but is now asleep in her piggy house recovering!
oooo the cheeky little monkey getting you all panicked like that! Hope she comes back with a clean bill of health but well worth keeping the vets appointment to make sure there isn't something lurking that might reappear
Yes,she certainly is,the little so and so lol.Vet has checked her and says he can't see anything in her ears,but she has had an antibiotic and anti imflammatory jab just to be on the safe side.Seeping in her piggy house now,recovering from her trauma,poor little mite!
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