Please Help!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2014
Reaction score
Ontario Canada (southern)
Hi, yesterday i got a guinea pig (adopted one) its a boy/male and 1 year old. He doesn't have a cage buddy but i want to give him one. I'm still worried that if i put two different aged guinea pigs together they will have BIG problems. i am look to adopt another one (boy) is it OK if i can get a different aged buddy because i don't want him to be a alone.

Where did you adopt him from?

As he may need to be quarantined, then I would suggest looking at a local rescue and looking into boar dating, so you can ensure they get on :)
Hello. Welcome to the forum. Please can you add your location to your profile as it will help with giving you advice.
Do you have any guinea pig rescues near by? They will be the best place to get your piggy a friend as you cannot just put two piggies together and hope they get on.
Okay, well firstly I would suggest at least 3 weeks quarantine to ensure he's of good health, and then try to see if there are any rescues near you that may do boar dating as suggested above ? :)
With an adult boar, it is best to get a new male companion of a much younger age. This way the new boy will not be seen as competition. Your first boy will have passed his hormonal months now, so will not clash with the new one when he hits HIS hormonal stage. Or you could have your existing boy neutered and, after 6 weeks, get him a female friend. Male/female pairing is much easier and will have no problems. I have a male and female pair (both neutered) aged 4 and a half years and have NEVER had any problems between them, even though they live next to a pair of UN-neutered females! .
If there's no way of getting to a rescue after that time, then you could go with the above option of neutering instead - wait 6 weeks minimum and find a female friend. Or see about adopting a younger male as suggested above also, you may need to quarantine again though depending on where they were adopted? :)
Aww that is a long way away. If you get another piggy from the same place there is a risk they may not get along. If that happened could you have them living side by side?
Okay thank you i will wait couple of weeks and try to adopt a younger guinea pig. Loki (my pig) is still very shy when he hears sound he goes into his hideout.

I'm not pretty sure if they can live side by side cause we don't have that much space for another cage :(

Thank you! :)
It will take time, piggies are naturally scared as they are prey animals, patience and time is key :)

What accommodation are you currently using?
the closest rescue i have is at least 2-4 hour ride :(
How do you add your location? :)
Ok i will wait 3 weeks!
Thank you :)

You can add your location by clicking on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. It will help us to always take in the climate/brands/ vet and rescue access into our advice.

With a 1 year old, you are most likely better off with looking for a youngster, ideally where you can stage a meet&greet before bringing him home. Not all piggies will click. You have to be aware that your two boys may not get along or have a fall-out as the youngster is growing up, so if you could consider having living alongside accommodation with interaction through the bars as a fall back option, that would be great. The boys will still get stimulation through the bars even though it is not optimal. Alternatively, you can look out for another single adult boar and keep him as a next door companion right from the start. If the two click, fine!
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