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Pls Help Identify Scabby Ear

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Nic bee

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Leeds, west Yorkshire
Hello. I noticed my 5 mth old piggie has a scabby ear. Any ideas what it is. I've noticed he's been arguing with his older cage mate a lot recently.
It looks like a little cut scab but then there's a flakey bit around it?
Thank you

Really? I would never leave my piggies if I thought they needed vet treatment but didn't want to take them unnecessarilyif it was going to heal itself but if a trip to the vets is recommended we better go!
Thanks for replying x
It does look like it may be fungal (the flaky area), but the scab could well be a bite mark from his cage mate. I would get the vet to confirm so that you get the right treatment. It's impossible to diagnose from a photo.
Agree that it looks like possible fungal but in the early stages if so. Once you have a diagnosis, I recommend Imaverol used either as a dip that is not rinsed off or as a topical treatment on the ear. Though with fungal you are best off treating the whole pig and not just the affected area so a dip would work better. You can then apply to the ear topically too. Also most types of fungal don't show up in a culture, only Ringworm does, so if the vet tests if and gets no result it could still be fungal.
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