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Possible Uri.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Arizona
I have a feeling Jellybean might have another URI. Today I noticed she was rubbing her nose a lot, sneezing and now she has a bit of clear fluid in her nostrils. Her appetite is normal and she's still very playful. Can anyone zoom in on this picture and tell me if you see crust in her nose or am I imagining it? I left a message for her vet, but unfortunately the soonest I can get her in to see him is Monday. I'm so worried about my piggy. No sleep for me tonight. Also, is there any suggestions for what I can do in the meantime?:ple::(
Looks a bit crusty in the right nostril? When my Hazelnut had an URI his discharge was clear. I'm in the same boat as you, waiting for Monday for Peanut Butter to get to the vet. Why oh why do they always get sick during vets after hours! I've read on this forum that a steamer near her cage might help ease any congestion? Something also about balbas oil in the steamer being helpful - don't really remember the spelling as it is not something we have here.

Get well Jeallybean!
I am in the same boat with three of my girls on antibiotics for URI's. Their nose discharge was clear but it did crust, and Bess' eye was crusty too. Like Lilly said above, a steamer, or a hot bowl of albas oil or something similar in the room to help with congestion.

Sending healing vibes Jellybeans way!
Looks a bit crusty in the right nostril? When my Hazelnut had an URI his discharge was clear. I'm in the same boat as you, waiting for Monday for Peanut Butter to get to the vet. Why oh why do they always get sick during vets after hours! I've read on this forum that a steamer near her cage might help ease any congestion? Something also about balbas oil in the steamer being helpful - don't really remember the spelling as it is not something we have here.

Get well Jeallybean!
Thank you for the suggestion, I don't have a steamer but I can definitely get one in the morning. She doesn't seem to be congested and she doesn't sound like she's wheezing. It almost seems more like allergies and where I live, everyone suffers with it. But, its also been very cold here, which is very abnormal for the desert, we had snow last week and maybe she caught a chill somehow. Although I'm very good about keeping her warm and she's an indoor piggy, but maybe it could've happened during floor time. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the vet says. I hope Peanut Butter and Jellybean get well soon!
I am in the same boat with three of my girls on antibiotics for URI's. Their nose discharge was clear but it did crust, and Bess' eye was crusty too. Like Lilly said above, a steamer, or a hot bowl of albas oil or something similar in the room to help with congestion.

Sending healing vibes Jellybeans way!
Thank you very much for the healing vibes and suggestions. I appreciate it. It's so hard seeing our piggies sick.:(
Just place a bowl of steaming water next to her cage. I don't know whether you can get olbas oil in the US to add a couple of drops; please do not use vicks because that is harmful to guinea pigs.

It can be just an irritation in the nose that has caused the thin crusts from the watery discharge. They do not look thick and yellow/green like the crusts of a full-blown bacterial URI to me.

If it is indeed a recurring allergy due to the desert climate you are living in, I would strongly recommend that you discuss with your vet trialling allergy meds rather than just antibiotics that will never clear the issue completely, but can leave Jellybean with a resistance to them when she really needs them.
It does look a wee bit crusty on the tight nostril. Perhaps place a bowel of steaming water next to the cage.
Get well soon Jellybean. x
Just place a bowl of steaming water next to her cage. I don't know whether you can get olbas oil in the US to add a couple of drops; please do not use vicks because that is harmful to guinea pigs.

It can be just an irritation in the nose that has caused the thin crusts from the watery discharge. They do not look thick and yellow/green like the crusts of a full-blown bacterial URI to me.

If it is indeed a recurring allergy due to the desert climate you are living in, I would strongly recommend that you discuss with your vet trialling allergy meds rather than just antibiotics that will never clear the issue completely, but can leave Jellybean with a resistance to them when she really needs them.
Thank you for the suggestions. I'll try putting a bowl of steaming water next to her cage and I'll ask the vet about her possibly having allergies when she goes in for her appt.
She looks fine again? How is the runny nose?
It looks perfectly fine now. We just came back from the vet and he didn't think anything was wrong with her at all. He didn't even charge me. But he said if it did start up again, to bring her back. He said she might have had something in her nose, like a piece of hay or something and it was making her nose irritated. But, when he looked it was gone. I kinda felt crazy for taking her in haha.:mal:
It looks perfectly fine now. We just came back from the vet and he didn't think anything was wrong with her at all. He didn't even charge me. But he said if it did start up again, to bring her back. He said she might have had something in her nose, like a piece of hay or something and it was making her nose irritated. But, when he looked it was gone. I kinda felt crazy for taking her in haha.:mal:

Better have her seen once too often than the other way round! I strongly suspect that it is an allergy/irritation issue that Jellybean has and not URI.
Better have her seen once too often than the other way round! I strongly suspect that it is an allergy/irritation issue that Jellybean has and not URI.
Yeah I'm still very glad I took her in. Better to be safe, then sorry. He said the same thing you did, about not wanting to give her medication if she didn't truly need it.
:))Phew! Thank Heavens Jellybean is okay! And as beautiful as ever! :love:
Take heart in the fact that a lot of people less caring and watchful would have missed a tiny thing like that.
You are an extremely vigilant and loving Piggie Mum.
:))Phew! Thank Heavens Jellybean is okay! And as beautiful as ever! :love:
Take heart in the fact that a lot of people less caring and watchful would have missed a tiny thing like that.
You are an extremely vigilant and loving Piggie Mum.
Thank you very much! That's very sweet of you to say!:D
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