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Probiotic United States


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 12, 2019
Reaction score
Boynton Beach, Florida, US
Hi, it was suggested to me I give piggie a a probiotic. Two pet stores here only have Digestive Support by Oxbow but the bag does not actually say 'probiotic'. Piggies been on antibiotics 5 days and a few more days to go. I have Critical Care Herbivore at home but again the bag does not say specifically 'probiotic'. Does my boy really need it? Thank you,
The antibiotic kills the good bacteria and can kill appetite hence a probiotic is recommended. I don’t know that the two you mention are probiotics. Have a read of the guide below.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Thank you. Can you provide the name of a probiotic for the piggies? Maybe I can find it on Amazon.
Bene-bac is what I have given my piggies. It's available in America. You can get it online from Chewy or Amazon.Screenshot_20210712-203934_Chewy.jpg
I'm in the US and have used benebac as well. Got it at the vet, but that amazon listing looks like the same thing.

You might notice your piggie eating more
of her cage mate's poo...the best source of good bacteria! Once one pig on antibiotics followed her sister around, waiting behind her for fresh 💩. Amazing how she knew to do that!
Yes BeneBac is the US probiotic which is commonly recommended.
Critical care isnt a probiotic - it is a recovery feed.

You can also make poop soup. Take the very very fresh poops from a health cage mate, soak them in water for a few minutes and then syringe the water to the poorly piggy. It can help to put the heathy cage mate into a box or similar, with some lovely snacks to eat - poops will be produced shortly. The poops must be immediately collected, soaked and the water syringed to the poorly piggy within five minutes as the beneficial bacteria in the poop will deteriorate very quickly and then won't be as effective to your poorly piggy