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Problem Free Introduction

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 24, 2012
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I just wanted to say how very useful the pinned post on introductions and bonding has been. We have just introduced two rescued, castrated boys to our group of three sisters and it has gone really smoothly, thanks to us following the advice in the post.
Firstly (after the boys had a week to settle in their new home), we introduced various pairs, side-by-side on our knees, then put together a large bonding run on the kitchen floor, with plenty of hay and two-ended hideys. There was a little posturing and squeaking and a little bit of chasing, but they settled well while we got on with adjusting, cleaning and extending our C&C accommodation. They all ate and slept and seemed quite chilled. Once everything was arranged we put them all in the new palace. The girls pop-corned about investigating the extension, and the boys were a little more cautious, but made it upstairs and explored. They seem very happy this morning.

So thanks again for the excellent advice.
I'm pleased it has worked out for. I don't suppose you have any pictures? Would love to see them and their palace :-)
That is great news! I hope that things continue well once the girls come into season.
That is great news! I hope that things continue well once the girls come into season.

Us too! We have a large cage we can use to separate if needs be--we will be keeping a very close eye on them!
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