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Question: Will My Girls Fight If I Let My Boars Communicate With Them Through The Cage Bars?

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Ruby Inferno

Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 18, 2014
Reaction score
England, UK
I currently have two lone boars who were separated due to fighting. I recently adopted a pair of adorable girlies, because I'm going to get one of my boars neutered to live with the girlies once he is no longer fertile, though I haven't yet decided what to do with my other boar. I might neuter him too and get him a sow, but I'm not sure. My boars definitely won't be living on their own one way or the other.

Until my boar is neutered and 6 weeks has passed, would it be okay to hold my boys up to the girls' cage bars so they can communicate with the girlies through the bars? Just to be clear, they would only ever chat with bars separating them, they would never come into direct contact, absolutely no risk of pregnancy. My only concern is, would this cause any squabbling between the girls?
If you could arrange to have each boar living on one side of the girls, with the girls between them, that would be even better! it would give the single boys lots of stimulation and allow the the piggies to get to know each other and is much better than just frustrating glimpses at girls. Your sows won't fall out.
Thanks! Sadly I don't think I have space to have them live side by side, there's barely enough room for the girls' 120 cm cage. Still deciding on what to do exactly, though I will see if I can make something work.
Thanks! Sadly I don't think I have space to have them live side by side, there's barely enough room for the girls' 120 cm cage. Still deciding on what to do exactly, though I will see if I can make something work.

Would you be prepared to have both boys neutered and to split up your girls, so each boy and live with a girl of his own? That would be frankly the best solution and make sure that no piggies has to live on its own. It also means that you can use the space you have already got.
I was thinking of that, because I could simply have a two tiered (no ramp) 120 cm cage, but I don't think that would be very fair on the girls. They are sisters so they have been together their whole lives. :hmm:
If your girls have not been separated by a fall-out between them, they will always be able to go back together again even after years of separation; that is from my own experiences with jiggling sows (and sisters) of mine around depending on health issues and group dynamics.

flintstones split her pair of sisters so one could live with a bereaved boar of hers until he died; then they went back together again with the husboar of the other sister. As they can still smell each other and will be able to interact through bars, they won't pine. ;)
Hmm that's interesting! Would they be able to smell/see eachother even if they lived on different floors of a double tier cage?
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