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Quick Question about Pellets...


*Rescue Buddy*
Senior Guinea Pig
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hi - So, I have always given the piggies a small amount of Harringtons pellets with their veggies for breakfast.

So, Pippin in now 4 years old and Winny is 9 months old so the question is - Should Pippin still be scoffing them? Not sure if there is an age limit for having them?

I keep seeing comments about grain free pellets - are those ones better for their health?

Thanks in advance!
I use Harrington too. I originally made the mistake that these were useful for keeping teeth in good shape but was advised by a vet to cut them down once my piggies were over 3 years old and only sprinkle a few around for them to forage for as a treat.
We use Harringtons, here at TEAS, but nuggets are fed as a treat, not as a meal. I scatter a few in the hay and the piggies have a hay/grass diet, with a small amount of veg.
Thanks - they just share about 1oz a day with their morning veggies in their bowl - obviously they have HUGE amounts of Hay all day! and if they don't eat them all I remove them and there are generally a few left each morning.
I use Harrington too. I originally made the mistake that these were useful for keeping teeth in good shape but was advised by a vet to cut them down once my piggies were over 3 years old and only sprinkle a few around for them to forage for as a treat.
Yes i was wondering with Pip now being 4 years old... they share about 1oz a day so maybe I should cut them back to half that.. But then wondered about Winny with her being 9 months !
I feed Harrington's and all the pigs have a small scattering for breakfast but that is it.
We use Harringtons, here at TEAS, but nuggets are fed as a treat, not as a meal. I scatter a few in the hay and the piggies have a hay/grass diet, with a small amount of veg.
Same here, but science grain free. Its is working well