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Rabbit Wormer?

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Cuddles With Cavies

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 12, 2015
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
Firstly, I apologise that this thread isn't about guinea pigs but I thought that there may also be some rabbit owners on here too.

I'm a college student and for one of my assignments I need to discuss the preventative treatment given to a rabbit between the ages of 0 and 12 months. I've already covered Myxi and VHD vaccinations but I was also wondering at what age baby rabbits should be wormed and flea treated? I've looked everywhere online and I cant seem to fine a straight answer XD

Thanks :)
I wasn't even aware that rabbits needed to be wormed!
You learn something new every day.
Good luck with your research.
Mine lived to the ripe old age of 10 years and 8 months without ever being wormed and flea treated. Never needed either and my vet didn't rcommend prophylactic treatment for either. She did have her 2 vaccinations each year. @BossHogg keeps buns as does @Caron's Cavies.
All my rabbits have never been wormed or needed flea treatment. ;)
My rabbits have their yearly injections but have never been or needed worming or flea treatment.

Neither has this been suggested or recommended by my vet who also has rabbits herself. xx
I treat my rabbits with Panacur a couple of times a year. I run a rabbit boarding facility and some of the boarding rabbits go in runs on my lawn. Due to the fact that over 50% of rabbits will test positive for exposure to e cuniculi, without showing any symptoms, plus the fact that e cuniculi is shed in urine, I feel my rabbits are more at risk than normal family buns. I offer the owners of boarding rabbits the choice of having their bunnies in runs on paved areas, which can be disinfected, or on the lawn. Most prefer to take the small risk and have them in runs on the lawn. I always suggest that maybe a course of Panacur, after they have been in boarding, may be something to consider.
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