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Rainbow Bridge


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hornsea East Yorkshire uk
I'm sad to say that Peppa one of our 6 year old piggies died on Friday she will be missed by everyone in our family, George is now on her own but also 6 years old. Do we get her a new piggy friend? Or is she to old.
I'm sorry for your loss :(

Generally piggies like company so it would be best to get George a friend. If you are worried about her age you could contact a rescue to see if you could foster a pig to live with George for the rest of her life.
I'm sorry for your loss - I agree with Jaycey - guineas are never too old to find a new companion .
I'm sad to say that Peppa one of our 6 year old piggies died on Friday she will be missed by everyone in our family, George is now on her own but also 6 years old. Do we get her a new piggy friend? Or is she to old.

I am very sorry for your loss! We have got a Rainbow Bridge section where you are welcome to post a tribute to Peppa if you wish to whenever it feels right for you. 6 years is a very good age to live to!
Rainbow Bridge Pets

Guinea pigs are never too old for company, but if you cannot get to a good rescue that has adult piggies for George to choose, rather consider getting two young sows so you are not in the same situation again in a year or two.
Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
@Stewybus (Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue) @pig in the city (BARC) are your two closest rescues and may be able to help you.

PS: I am currently having a friend's 8 year old lady living alongside my own piggies who became depressed in the wake of the last of her same age companions dying from old age. She prefers her own space, but loves the interaction through the bars with her neighbours and is definitely no longer depressed and bored!
I'm so sorry for your loss of Peppa. If you do decide to get a friend why not go for a pair of young females. They would need to be bonded first to make sure she & them are happy with each other or you could do it in stages by adopting one then once settled, adopt another. Trios are good because if you lose one then you still have a pair & don't have to rush & get another piggy at a stressful time. I run Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue probably about 90 minutes away from you but you'd be welcome to bring George here to meet our piggies. You can see pictures of them @ www.teesvalleyguineapigrescue.org/adoption-page
I am really very sorry for the loss of your piggy. Massive hugs to you at this sad time x