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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Stafford, Staffordshire
Have you ever noticed one of your new pigs, acting pretty much like an old dead pig?

Leo died a year and a month ago, and I got Callis in July, he's around 5/6 months old and he's so like him, he's even gotten an inner ear infection the same time to give him the same tilt. <3
That'a a strange coincidence ~ do they look alike?

Thankfully i haven't experienced the loss of a pig yet - it's something i am dreading :(

You're going to think i'm awful but when i read "looking like an old dead pig" i was going to say yes - my Dillon often looks dead when he's asleep and i often linger over him to check he's still breathing! rolleyes
I believe in it. I'm hoping Sexy comes back as another pet or my baby or whatever. We believe the hamster came back twice now. There was to many coinsidences.:)
I'm Buddhist, so reincarnation is pretty much a given. I'm not sure if animals souls do but I guess that can be a personal belief heh. Maybe the way I act with him makes him act like Leo, could be anything. He's still Callis.
I don't have particular thoughts on reincarnation, but I believe some pigs are sent your way for a reason.

In April 2007, my mother felt strongly towards a little pig in a Lisburn pet shop, and although she knows I would rather rescue, and after mulling the thought over for a couple of hours, she felt compelled to buy him for me. I named him Dexter. He lived alone alongside my group of four (Charlie and three girls) until a few weeks after his neuter, when I moved one of the girls out to live with Dexter.

Two months after Dexter arrived, my first pig, my beloved neutered boar Charlie, was diagnosed with a kidney tumour. He passed nine months after diagnosis, which is the time Dexter really came into his own, showed us his true character, and essentially carried on the role of being the people pig.

Dexter is very very similar in character to Charlie. I believe he was sent our way to help us through Charlie's illness and to help us move on beyond Charlie's death.

I believe other pigs have been sent my way also for varying reasons. One of those is Kingslie's new wifey......
I don't believe in heaven and if you count up every animal you'll ever have and every partner and every friend, heaven is going to be a very busy place when a person gets there :P
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