Recognising Noises

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 12, 2014
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Hi, I wondered if someone could give me a little advice. I've recently introduced my adopted pig to my older one, I don't know which of them is making the noise but they constantly make a purring sound. Is this a good noise?

They never fight or chase eachother and share wonderfully! I just don't recognise this behaviour. Thanks
If it's a rumbling sound, they are sorting out dominance. The rumbling noise is an "I'm the boss" noise.
Uh oh. It's like a low rumbling noise followed by quite squeaks which sounds like their talking. Is this a bad thing? Do I need to do anything.
Uh oh. It's like a low rumbling noise followed by quite squeaks which sounds like their talking. Is this a bad thing? Do I need to do anything.
Could be 1 pig rumbling for dominance and the other squealing in submission. my newly bonded sows still do this and have no issues. I'd say just keep an eye on them but I'm sure they are just coming to terms with each other :)
Thank you everyone, I think your right. I've been watching them and there's been so fightin or arguing or signs of it, u just think they need to come to terms with sharing a home. I don't know wether it will help me buying a two story indoor cage?
How big is their current home? :) With boars, they usually need a little more room. Just so they can easily get some piece and quiet away from each other if they're prone to the odd squabble.
I thought that was the case, it's a medium I door cage from pets at home but now my baby pigs getting bigger is defiantly isn't bit enough I've realised. This could be a reason for last nights argument, never fight.:no:
Yes I would recommend getting them a bigger cage.

Do you have any room for a C&C cage? They're much better value for money and you can customise the space for them so much better. :)
I've been trying to get hold of another cage because as of yesterday there has been a lot of arguing. Mostly at night! I've noticed the younger one jumping on Harry's back and generally following him everywhere.

I'm not very good with recognising their noises but I know Harry isn't happy with this so I was going to seperate them.
It's just being able tk get hold of a cage! Unless anyone has any suitable ideas for temporary housing or advice on what to do. I wanted a two story house but can't afford to spend £100 just before Christmas. :(
With guinea pigs only ground floor space counts. Often they do not use the levels on those type of cages. Really your best option is to make a c and c cage as no ready made cage will offer the same space. I put mine together without correx as I have it on the floor. This will be much cheaper for you. I bought the grids from Amazon but eBay sell them too. For two boars I would make it at least 3 by 5.

I found these,
Oh that looks like a good idea. Thank you very much, I'll take a look.
My two boys often make the rumbling noise when put in a freshly cleaned cage, or if they have just had some extra food (and they do a lot of trying to mount each other then too.. ahem!) but always seems to end up ok but they never seem to fight - often one does the rumbling thing first, accompanied by hip-hula dancing (the best way I can describe it) then the other tries to get one over - seems they haven't really worked out who's top dog!
I do have a mezzanine level in the cage which helps if one wants to avoid the other too, and lots of places for them to escape too, like cardboard tubes and tunnels.
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