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New Born Pup
Mar 27, 2015
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Hello fellow guinea lovers
I'm new to the forum :) It's so nice to see so many people caring about their guineas :)
I have two guinea pigs. One ginger one called Sully and a partial skinny pig called Angus. My partner bought them for me back in September. I have since changed my job and am now out of the house for 13 hours a day some days and don't feel like I can give them the attention they deserve. They are house guineas (Angus cant go outside as he doesn't have any fur to keep him warm or to protect him from the sun).
I'm thinking now that maybe I should look at rehoming them. How would I go about doing this to someone who would care for them as much as I do? They need space to run and play and I have a tiny house!
They aren't together in the same cage as Angus was getting scratches on his little bald body and they would size each other up making all the usual 'aggressive sounds' so I parted them about 6 weeks ago so they each have their own cage which butts up against each other so they can still chat (which they do all the time!).Their cages are fairly big, although Sully's is bigger as he seems more active than Angus.
They are lovely company for me when I am home but that's just selfish. They need stimulation and contact more than I can physically give them.
Is anyone on here looking to have more pigs, who would be willing to take mine if I decide that that's the best for them? (soul searching!) And would I be sure anyone else to look after them and give them grass every day and a never ending supply of hay and love?
I haven't made a definite decision yet but I would like to know what my options are...
Thank you everyone. Please don't think bad of me for rehoming! I just want what's best for my beautiful boys!
I'm in Herefordshire.
Thanks...Ali xx
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I'm sorry you are having to make that decision. I really hope that you can find them a new home in which you feel happy and comfortable with them being in x
I can imagine. I guess the worst part is knowing they will go to someone who will love and look after them as much as you do
So sorry you may have to rehome them it must be a horrible time for you but please don't feel guilty it just proves to me how much you love them and want the best for them.
Thanks Nicky, it is a horrible decision to make and they really are great company but I'm never here to enjoy them. They're no trouble at all and all they ask for is veggies, hay and fresh grass but I worry that they must get bored.
I hope I can find them somewhere lovely!
I'm sorry you have to rehome your lovely boys.

You're only rehoming them because you love them, no one is going to think of you badly for that.
I'm not rehoming my baby boys. I love them too much. I will find a way! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Is there a possibility you could take them both boar dating for a friend each, that way you could give them the space and they will have company throughout the day so it won't be such an issue you being out the house for so many hours a day?
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