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Release The Beasties!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Chester le Street, Durham
After 3 weeks of incarceration and a whole load of de-miting and de-fleaing we decided that as toady is their birthday they should be allowed out into the big wide lounge again. They have been really well behaved but obviously bored, just moving from one spot to another to sleep. This is their initial release:

They were just testing the water at this stage to make sure everything was as they left it. After I finished recording they went just a little bit mental with some amazing zooming. They have tired themselves out now so Toby is asleep under the chair and Barney...well... Barney is next to his beloved curtains:

We had discussed keeping them locked up as they seemed to be ok but having seen them zooming, popcorning and playing with each other I so pleased we decided to let them be free!
They really are - they are running all over the places and keep wheeking their little heads off - even Barney and I haven't heard a peep out of him since he was locked up! They have already started bullying us for food. Love it!
Omg that video is tooo cute! I love it when they both rumble at each other. :love:
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