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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
west midlands
I posted a while back that wig wig was experiencing severe scabbing and hair loss
1. first vet visit, given mite treatment and bactryl. ineffective
2. new vet surgery, told not mites, didn't particularly look fungal but given more bactril, hibiscus wash and advised to use canesten on the areas
3. this is ringworm, guaranteed, as it has spread to my sodding face after having her on my shoulder, despite weeks of treatment. I have perfect circle of nasty itchy ringworm on my cheek, confirmed by the pharmacist.

I am 21 and I have to go to work with ringworm on my face. I love my piggies, but I feel this could have been prevented through better veterinary practise at the first vet we visited. at least the second one suggested we use an anti-fungal cream on her
Am sorry you have had such a bad experience.

Here is our Ringworm guide which may help too, we find that treatment with an oral fungal medication (Itrafungol) and/or Imaverol dips are the most effective method of treatment. The guide also explains the hygiene measures that will be needed.


You would need to get Itrafungol from the vets but Imaverol can be bought online. Let me know if you need the link.
Oh dear...! Ringworm is the one thing we can catch from our piggies! Hopefully you have the right treatment now for both you and the piggies. :D One of mine has a fungal infection and I've been recommended to use f10 spray on it. Its not ringworm though, so the treatment for that may be different.
Oh that's dreadful. I had an outbreak of fungal recently and I used a anti-fungal dip which you can actually buy online, thanks to this brill forum. I ordered extra online after vet confirmed fungal and did my 3 lots of dippings and extended to the rest of the furry crew. (imaverol).
I also bought some F10 and bought the gel as well which I use when I'm playing with the piggies as an extra back up...I really didn't want to get ringworm either, so took all the precautions suggested to me from the forum.

I am sorry you have caught it, you must be feeling pretty rubbish right now. But at least we understand you. Love your pigs, love yourself. x
Oh no that's awful :-( poor piggies & you. Hope their treatment works quickly. I had ringworm given to me by a farm kitten- its horrid ! Best thing that I found to work for me was neat tea tree oil dabbed on several times a day. Its anti fungal & anti viral so I always keep some handy .hope yours clears up soon x
Tea tree is very good for ring worm. It's best to treat from the outside inwards to help stop it spreading. It also helps to use a treatment for five days after you think it has gone to make sure it has really cleared. Hope you are better soon :)
Aw pal, I know how you feel, I hope you get rid of it quick. :(

In the meantime, just cake your face in make up and if anyone asks why your covered in make up just be like
".....scuse me? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean..."
Trust me, WORKS LIKE A CHARMMM ;) haha
Sorry for the late reply, had some laptop issues. I will be buying online some Imaverol and F10 (will this work in a wooden hutch?). Do I treat both pigs despite Jelly having shown no signs of it when Wigwigs been infected for about a month by this point? We actually moved them out of the wooden hutch into a plastic cage once the ringworm came about to make it easier to clean.
I will also be trying tea tree oil on my face as canesten doesnt seem to be effective despite use twice a day. Its drying my skin out if anything and the redness has got worse over the week.

I tried a hefty layer of make up to work on Monday but apparently its really suspicious when you normally wear no make up :P people asked questions, i said I had a mark on my face, they asked why, i said i caught what teh guinea pig had, they guessed ringworm and now the whole office knows. They make me disinfect my work area/keyboard/mouse at teh end of the day.
I agree, I did all my pigs and disinfected anything that came into touch. I also wore gloves, an apron and made sure I didn't hug them or let them come into contact with me. It's super important to keep everything separate. It's a super pain but worth it.
Sorry for the late reply, had some laptop issues. I will be buying online some Imaverol and F10 (will this work in a wooden hutch?). Do I treat both pigs despite Jelly having shown no signs of it when Wigwigs been infected for about a month by this point? We actually moved them out of the wooden hutch into a plastic cage once the ringworm came about to make it easier to clean.
I will also be trying tea tree oil on my face as canesten doesnt seem to be effective despite use twice a day. Its drying my skin out if anything and the redness has got worse over the week.

I tried a hefty layer of make up to work on Monday but apparently its really suspicious when you normally wear no make up :P people asked questions, i said I had a mark on my face, they asked why, i said i caught what teh guinea pig had, they guessed ringworm and now the whole office knows. They make me disinfect my work area/keyboard/mouse at teh end of the day.
I hope you and your piggies get better quickly!
Neither do I. But my face, arms and legs were COVERED in flea bites a while ago and I was practically putting it on concealer with a shovel to try hide my shame. Probably looked like a drag queen. Those were sexy sexy times.......I feel your pain, hahaha.
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