Ripped Paw Pads

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2013
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I had knee surgery 3 weeks ago and I've been relying on friends and family to walk my 8 year old collie (I had 2, although Meggie passed 3 weeks ago).

I say how old is because although it's not old it's not young and he suffers from arthritis, which is mainly treated by supplements now that we know what we are dealing with and I don't over exercise.

He went out for walkies for the first time with a...friend...I told him before he went out that he doesn't know his limits (as most collies don't!) and don't overdo it. He's came back with ALL four pads torn almost completely off. My poor pup can barely walk!

I'm just annoyed, I know I should be grateful he took him out but pads take ages to heel and he's in so much pain tonight :(

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to get that off my chest! :hb:
Poor you and poor boy! It is so difficult when you have to rely on the goodwill of well meaning, but obviously not very experienced doggie people.
Thank you! He has a staffy of his own and has walked my boy with me many times, just this time on his own has worn my poor boy out, literally! Its hard resting a collie too, he'll have to snuggle on the sofa with me tomorrow, two invalids together! :nod:
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