River's Going In For Her Op On Monday...

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2011
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My piggy, River is booked in to see Simon on Monday to have some suspicious lumps x-rayed and (hopefully) removed!

River would appreciate some good luck squeaks from her fellow pigs :hug:, and I would appreciate some general advice (I'm so nervous about the op!)

This is River!
Good Luck River :), I'm sure everything will go fine. I normally change there bedding twice a day after an op and restrict movement by putting the guinea pig in a smaller cage to allow me to monitor them more closely.

Use white fleece or similar as that'll show up blood spots and keep critical care on hand. Some piggies bounce back quickly other's take a little bit longer. If you aren't already familiar with hand feeding have a look at the hand feeding post just in case she doesn't eat straight away.
Good Luck River :), I'm sure everything will go fine. I normally change there bedding twice a day after an op and restrict movement by putting the guinea pig in a smaller cage to allow me to monitor them more closely.

Use white fleece or similar as that'll show up blood spots and keep critical care on hand. Some piggies bounce back quickly other's take a little bit longer. If you aren't already familiar with hand feeding have a look at the hand feeding post just in case she doesn't eat straight away.

Thank you!

I've got a spare cage in the loft that is a bit smaller, and I plan on use a towel/fleece combination for her while she recovers. I've got critical care, syringes, gloves, metacam, and probiotic all ready and waiting for her!

One thing I'm not sure about - I plan on separating her from her sisters for the first few days as they can be quite boisterous...is this the right thing to do? They'll still be in the same room, just not the same cage.
Ahh good luck beautiful river :luv: :luv:
Sounds like you have the best possible combination of Simon and a caring, organized slave :)

Healing vibes &loving squeaky rumbles in advance gorgeous girl from the girls &a chinny tickle from me ;)
Just got back from dropping River off...now the anxious wait begins :(
Good Luck River! The waiting is always the worst bit.

I'm so anxious! Simon said she would probably be up first when surgery begins at 11:30...so she might be in there now! I'm praying nothing goes wrong
I'm so anxious! Simon said she would probably be up first when surgery begins at 11:30...so she might be in there now! I'm praying nothing goes wrong

Fingers crossed she will be fine. :) I'm sure she is in great hands.
Just heard from Simon - her operation was a success and she's doing well! I'm so relieved! Felt a bit lightheaded waiting to hear, so glad it's over! I can pick her up at 4pm, can't wait!
Glad that all has gone well.

Make sure that you have got hand feed and probiotics ready for post-op care if the appetite is not as it should be. Ask Simon how soon and how much painkiller you can give after an operation if necessary.

For medical questions and ongoing medical support, please open a thread in the health/illness section which is specifically monitored by some experienced members. Our Care sections are there for any questions or advice you need.
Good to hear River's Op went well, how is she now?

She's doing really well! She was very lively after the op and on the way home, quietened down a little bit in the evening but perked up during 'hospital visiting hours'! She was very happy to accept the blueberries I had for her as a treat when she got home, and then she just chilled out for a bit.



I had her in the hospital cage so that I could monitor how much she was eating and pooping, and to also give her some peace and quiet! Elphie joined her at dinner time (Glinda didn't as they were squabbling a bit the day before) and River was tucking in nicely. There were plenty of poops to clear out, and she'd eaten the snacks I'd left for her before dinner.



She was quite eager to return to Elphie & Glinda, and Simon said it would be alright, so she's back in the main cage and behaving like nothing has happened! She looks a little strange with her shaved bits, but the wounds look okay and she has a check up on Saturday. She's on 0.15-0.2ml metacam twice a day. Touch wood, I don't anticipate her needing any hand-fed critical care!

Oh, and the lumps that were removed - three in total - seem okay. Two are most likely just fatty lumps (the one I was able to feel certainly seemed to be) and third is most likely, as I suspected, cartilage. The soft lumps are unlikely to regrow apparently, but there's a chance the solid one on her ribs may reform, we'll just have to wait and see.

Oh and here she is this morning, tucking into some hay with Glinda and Elphie (the orange bit in the background!) I'll have to see if I can get a photo from another angle, so you can see her shaved bit!
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