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Rough joint surfaces, growing gaps, and toes staying together


New Born Pup
May 5, 2020
Reaction score
Due to what the vet thinks is genetic, my girl Cashew stopped walking on her back left leg a few days ago out of nowhere - no accidents, no external injuries, and no other illnesses.

After multiple x-rays, the vet found that her joint surfaces are becoming rough near the knee and that the gaps between the knee and upper leg are growing. We’re on Metacam to see if it helps since she’s only 1 year old and this is worrisome for such a young pig.

She’s still limping on Metacam. We’ll start steroid therapy soon. What’s confusing me is that her toes on this bad leg are staying together! They don’t separate. She keeps the foot in one position only. Why would the toes be affected by a knee joint issue?

And I’ve search ALL OVER this forum and online for a similar case. There’s so little information on joints and whether this can heal or not. I’m so worried for her. She’s in pain and we can’t understand why.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Experience with joint issues?

PREFACE: Cashew has been on VetBed under multiple layers of plush fleece her whole life, in a cage cleaned twice daily, a massive flat C&C cage, and regular biweekly nail trims.
Here’s my girl’s foot on her leg with joint issues. All 3 toes remain together and do not ever separate even if the other back leg’s toes are separating.


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Hello. I’m sorry I’ve no experience of this. Are you in the U.K.? If so have you tried one of the cavy savvy vets on our vet locator.
Hello. I’m sorry I’ve no experience of this. Are you in the U.K.? If so have you tried one of the cavy savvy vets on our vet locator.
I’m in the US and go to one of the cavy savvy vets on a US locator. It’s an Exotics only vet, and Cashew sees the owner who has been practicing on exotics for over 20 years. It seems as if no one’s experienced joint problems that aren’t arthritis before (and even with arthritis, there’s little to no information)