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Scabs On My Piggie's Ears?

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New Born Pup
Feb 28, 2015
Reaction score
Eagan, Minnesota
Hi, I literally just got another guinea pig yesterday, I am the proud owner of 5 (including the new one) and today I noticed MInnie (that's her name) has scabbing on her ears. It looks like a bunch of scabs all around her left ear, and her right ear is fine. I noticed it went all the way into her inner ear but tbh I'm not sure what was in her ears. Wax maybe? It may be nothing, But I just wanted to be safe and ask you guys before I go to the vet. Also its not very noticeable on her ear but there was a slight tearing. Almost like one of her (former) cage mate from the pet store had been aggressive and tore part of her ear. Any advice?

Hi and welcome!

I would recommend to have any new guinea pig vet checked that is not from a place with a mandatory quarantine and health check, like one of our recommended good standard rescues. It is likely to be a fungal problem in new guinea pigs, but it needs a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Please do not home treat on spec as you can make it easily worse rather than better. Please also have the companion seen. If it is fungal, both may need treating to prevent an infection/outbreak in the second piggy.

We have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar.

With members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details, so we can adapt any advice or recommendations to what is available/possible in your location straight away. As you can imagine, brand names and conditions can vary enormously across the world. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Update: I looked on her ear more this morning. It looks like there's a few "red" wounds on her ear, and the rest is covered with crusty white stuff that doesn't hurt her. I looked inside her ear (see able inside I'm not digging around and sticking my finger inside her ears; just looking from what i can see) but when you pull or try to take off her red scabs it'll hurt her. It looks like its NOT coming from inside her ear as I previously thought it was. Sorry about the misinformative information there. I've scheduled a vet appointment on Monday. It looks like it may be mites or ringworm. But I'm still puzzled because i noticed there was a worse tear on her ear, almost like a piece of paper that's ripped and once you tear everything comes off (not that I tried that would be too cruel I didn't even touch the tear)
Thanks Wiebke I really appreciate it and I love your picture its so cute. But I'm not from the UK though I'm from Minnesota in the United States.

Could you please add your state to your details, so we can adapt any advice straight away to what is available to you in the US from vet care to brand names. We have got members from all over the world, and our advice can vary quite a bit accordingly. Our "default" advice is geared for the UK. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.

Can this list here from the Guinea Lynx website help you? http://www.guinealynx.info/cabinet/index.php/Veterinarians_Minnesota
Update: I looked on her ear more this morning. It looks like there's a few "red" wounds on her ear, and the rest is covered with crusty white stuff that doesn't hurt her. I looked inside her ear (see able inside I'm not digging around and sticking my finger inside her ears; just looking from what i can see) but when you pull or try to take off her red scabs it'll hurt her. It looks like its NOT coming from inside her ear as I previously thought it was. Sorry about the misinformative information there. I've scheduled a vet appointment on Monday. It looks like it may be mites or ringworm. But I'm still puzzled because i noticed there was a worse tear on her ear, almost like a piece of paper that's ripped and once you tear everything comes off (not that I tried that would be too cruel I didn't even touch the tear)

The crusty white stuff is typical for fungal; ringworm is the most transmittable (including to humans and mammalian pets) and aggressive form. It typically hits when the immune system is lowered through stress or illness. Please be very careful about not infecting yourself. Good hygiene can make all the difference when it comes to dealing with fungal and preventing a return.
Could you please add your state to your details, so we can adapt any advice straight away to what is available to you in the US from vet care to brand names. We have got members from all over the world, and our advice can vary quite a bit accordingly. Our "default" advice is geared for the UK. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.

Can this list here from the Guinea Lynx website help you? http://www.guinealynx.info/cabinet/index.php/Veterinarians_Minnesota

yes right away sorry about that. Already done :)
Thanks! All the best! With the right treatment, ringworm can be got on top of fairly well although inside the ear is one of the trickiest places. Perhaps you could ask your vet about an oral treatment rather than a topical one. We recommend a product that is based on itraconazole as the one that has the least impact on the kidneys, especially in younger guinea pigs.
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