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Shallow Hal

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Ok, not to be picky but this is the link re Robert Atkins - it seems he did die re ice, he slipped, knocked himself into a coma and then died of kidney failure. However, he was obese when he died - though this could have been down to organ failure.... He was 73 and had cardiac arrest a year before he died - so I was semi right!! :P


If you can do the Atkins diet then I'm impressed - personally I couldn't eat that much meat - and I'd miss my carbs.......
I love the movie too...very funny
Ive done the crash diet thing and went from 140 to 113 in 2 months, back in high school.
i was also tired and developed anemia....crash diets indeed do make you feel crashed!
I'm goin on a sort of diet...i started today. i say sort of coz I'm not working out. my back wont allow me. so I'm gonna hopefully lose a bit of wait by just eating a little better.
Thinking of staying on my cereal diet for another couple of weeks.

I had a diabetic health check today and amazed that everything seems in order. My blood pressure is normal and my blood sugar level has seemed to levelled itself and nurse is pleased with it.

Atkins won't work right now, as I've gone off meat, and at the moment am a temporary vegetarian! :)

Nurse was that impressed she gave me a new toy to play with! LOL ;D......... a new blood glucose monitor to try out! :D
well i personally prefer larger ladies, i dont like skinny people, they are usually up them selves, like "I'm to good for everyone"

plus i want something to hold on to, something to hug, you ever tried hugging a tiny chick, you end up hugging yourself...whats the point in that, i can do that when I'm on my own...not that i do...... :o

if you are trying to do a diet, i would just recommend eating fruit if you can. i know that some people cannot eat some fruits and stuff. and also eating a larger breakfast that keeps you going all through the day and then have a smaller lunch and smaller dinner, large dinners are bad as you dont have engouh time in the day to digest all the food and such.

me and gem are on a kinda diet as we wanna get in shape for our wedding in 8months....OMG.....so we are just making sure that we stick to our main meals and then try not to snack as much, thats our killer. we would just snack and snack if we could.

Anyways, i love you all. :D
Aww Stu, what a sweetie you are! :)

Just fruit ain't good for me being diabetic! Anyway am liking my cereal! ;D
AW! i dont wanna be a skinny little stick, i just wanna fit better in my clothes. my face to me looks big and round! I'm not happy with myself rite now. dieting is soooooo hard, especially when doing it alone.
Jose says the same thing about skinny. he likes meat on the sides! LOL! well i dont mind meaty but i would like to be lean meat!
I LIKE Stu's attitude! ;) If only more men could be like this.......Actually, saying that, it's not men thats the problem - it's women! We're so self critical we probably add several stone when we look at ourselves in the mirror... ::)
And I admit that I'm the first to look at people and wonder why they're together if one is large and the other not - yes, I'm a horrible person and I know it. I always feel that's what people do with me and Tony when we're out - and generally its the twiglets doing it!

I'm having a bad week with my diet - following it but nothing happening - where's the chocolate?!

Well done Kelly re the health check!
just got back from a weekend break at Butlins where the food is included in the price and you can eat as much as you want ! well I think the worlds largest women was there she was HUGH and boy did she shovel her food in, one woman shoveled 12 yep 12 boiled eggs down her throat and 8 slices of toast and platefuls of bacon, and not to mention her young daughters sausages she did'nt want, now i am over weight, mainly due to underactive thyroid and diabetes but even I know not to eat so much I managed my usual porridge and toast for breakfast and dinner was normal veggie food and a pud which is not usual and it left me feeling stuffed but i was so amazed with how many very very obese people there was and they were all eating like no tomorrow, just because they could, made me realise my will power was quite good, there was also choccy machines everywhere, a dieters nightmare, maybe they should stop talking about smoking kills over eating kills more then that i should think, we are not talking about over indulging here but you could see the amazement on peoples faces watching these people go up to get more food time afte time,
if you are on a diet and you dont see any action for a while, dont be downhearted, your body will usually get stuck at a certain point for a while as fat is turning to muscle and stuff like that, but then yuo will notice that you are losing inches rather than the weight. just keep your chin up and I'm sure that we can all help you out.

The annoying thing that i find is doctors like to blame everything on peoples weight, like gem has a sore ankle, yet she wont goto the doctors because they will just say that its because of her weight. it just annoys me.

oh well, id give you all a nice hug. but i will save them all for gem. :D
That's what Tony always says to me!  He made me start measuring the other day and keep an eye on the inch loss as I go to gym 3 times a week now (exhausting!).

I hate when docs do that, they do that re my dodgy knees as well so I don't mention them anymore.  The fact that my mum has exactly the same problem and we know its horse riding related is irrelevant of course!  :)

Oh, and what left me fuming last time was when I mentioned to the docs about how hard it is to lose weight instead of looking into it they said I was just 'unlucky'.......i felt like bopping her in the eye and saying that that was unlucky!

This is a fantastic forum!  Not only do we get gp advice and stories but we get diet/life advice as well!  I love it!  ;D

Gem is one lucky lady  :)

I have to say re Michelle's post - I know what you mean!  We have a rather large couple that live near us and I always said to Tony to be nice as they must have a medical condition or something that makes them that huge - well, that was until I was doing our weekly shop and bumped into them.....a trolley full of pizza, chips, icecream, burgers etc.  I mean, ok, they're old enough to decide how they want to live but they had a kid, surely they should be responsible and try and cut down on the amount of grease and fat they're shovelling into their bodies?! 
Agree about what you see in people's trolleys. The vast amount of processed carb make me puke!

I also agree that it is women who make us feel bad about ourselves. None of my men have ever made me fel fat and I genuinely think they never thought I was. One of my men friends (not a boyfriend) said that men don't like skinny women - he left a girlfriend because she was too thin and obsessed - and that it is women's obsessions with each others bodies that cause the problem.

If you find it hard to lose weight - it's probably because you have metabolic syndrome (I have) and probably hyperinsulinism (I have also).

Boot out those carbs!
What is metabolic syndrome? Well, I had blood tests for an underactive thyroid but that came back negative (they let loose a trainee nurse on my tiny veins.......ouch!) I know/hope there must be a reason for not losing easily as my gym buddy has been sitting here today eating twix's and biscuits etc - and she doesn't put weight on!

I will admit, as I think most people on here will, that every so often Tony and I will hit the shops with only one thing on our mind, and that's treat foods like choc chip biscuits and dark choc bars for me and revels for him! But that really is once in a blue moon, we are quite good the rest of the time.

I will have to stop obsessing about my weight in front of Tony, I know he doesn't like it and he always says there's nothing wrong with me - so, either we have a dodgy fairground mirror or he sees me completely differently to what I see ;D

As long as we're healthy, have love (whether it be from/for pets or people) and a roof over our heads then we should all be deliriously happy! :)
its all down to what people see as socially acceptable. Gemma doesnt like going out in large crowds as she thinks that people are saying things about her and stuff, i mean who cares what other people say thats there problem. As long as you are happy then no-one should be able to change that.

and the females are the worst, they will b1tch about anythign that they can, persons clothes, the makeup that they wear, the way they wear their hair and so on. i find that you get this alot with the younger 16-18 girls that are skinny, really could do with a nice burger to fatten them up a bit, and who really think that they are too good for society. I hate to put people into a category but its usually all the young mums as well, like the teenage mums that point fingers. its like sorry love but we dont have a kid to worry about....wella aprt from the guinea's.

I dont like the way that larger people are portrayed.

Onto people who eat stupid amounts of cack and then complain that they are larger. its their own fault. the people with the trolley, you would have thought that they would at least try and set a good example to their child by getting some healthy stuff. I know i love my biscuits, but if i had a kid they would have no sweets or anyhting, only as a treat.

I think alot of the child obesity ratings are also down to the fact that they sit indoors and play computer games and watch tele rather than going out and playing football or something like that.

hehe rant over. :p
And again you're absolutely right! Women are the worst for sniping about each other - actually, my friends and I are worse about what people wear but quite honestly if you're going to go out wearing nothing bigger than a plaster and expect that to be considered clothing then what do you expect ;D

I know how Gemma feels - I'm the same at times but sometimes I think, well, they're obviously jealous as I have curves and a fantastic fiance. Get Gemma out there and tell her to strut her stuff!

Same here - very nasty little 'young mum' cows we have around here that take up the whole pavement with their massive buggy and take chunks out of your ankles and then look you up and down with a sneer on their face. I do feel like going up to them and saying when you have a job and stop having children to get more benefits THEN you can judge me. No offence to anyone here :)

It doesn't help that magazines have skinny models on the front so it makes anyone bigger than a size 12 look humongous....Get larger models I say - at least they look healthier!

I don't know about you lot but when I was young (so many decades ago!) I used to be out all the time looking for slow worms (has anyone seen one of these recently?) and playing in streams etc - we only watched tv if it was awful weather or on Friday nights and that was for TOTP! I was still a large kid though - but damn healthy! Problem nowadays is that a lot of parents wrap their kids up in cotton wool and won't let them out because of all the horror stories you hear of kids being taken and abused/killed or won't let them play in case they hurt themselves. When you're a kid you're supposed to eat mud, come home covered in cuts and bruises and with a million and one 'important' items in your pockets! Its quite sad really.......and they wonder why there's more obese people than starving now..... >:(

Right, that's my rant over - who's next?! ;D
Well, last nite i cheated my diet. during the day i did so well, morning i had cereal, lunch soup and then dinner...but then i had icecream and a bag of potato chips! ahhhh! I'm so horrible!
Oh I wouldn't worry about that! I was ultra good all day - walked fast home - sorted out the gps/rabbit and then the lizard, made dinner......and then grabbed a large glass of wine and a dark chocolate bounty. My excuse? It was one of those days and I have the team leader from hell......... ;D
you are all so right its us women who moan about our weights me included some days I feel hugh I am about 2 and half stone over , but have had an underactive thyroid that has only just got the right thyroxine level to get it back in line, it took the drs over 2 and half years and the weight would just keep adding on, I physically cannot eat too much I have an ulcer problem which makes you feel as if you dont want to eat, and have to force myself some days as i have diabetes, so if any medical problems cause the weight gain I know only too well, its the gannets that ram bad food down their throats that is so wrong,
my hubby thinks I am perfect, bless him, I must admit for a skinny little runt that he is, I am pleased ? he now has got a little belly forming probably from sitting down in the car all day ( hes a driving instructor) he has always been so skinny and could eat what ever he wanted, now its pay back time, but i quite like it , ;) :)
Ok, metabolic syndrome.
It's the forerunner to adult-onset diabetes. It is usually found in people who are overweight (but that's because the illness itself prevets weight loss). It will involved glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinism. What this means is that if you have been abusing your pancreas for years with high carb/ sugar foods it has become worn out. it spurts out insulin to transport the sugar around the body, but it can't do it properly. instead of sugar being taken to where it is needed it is laid down as fat store - hence it is sugar/ carb not fat that makes you fat.

So, you'll be resistent to weight loss. the only way to kick start is to completely starve your body of sugar. Stop burning sugar (glucosis) and start burning fat (ketosis). You will lose the cravings you get all the time because your pancreas is taking time out. First couple of days agony - then it's great. I lost a stone and a half in two months and it was easy all the way. Results speak for themselves.

Lecture over. ;D
;D Lucinda!

Am on the Atkins! My sugar levels have gone sky high - and no-one knows why! But, cos of my asthma things have gone haywire!

For the mo carbs are out! :D
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