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Sheamus & Badger & Cesaro & Jericho & Big E & Enzo & Tyson Kidd & Nattie &Khaleesi & Coco

So sorry to hear this too, I know it's awful losing any piggy but I know how attached you are to them and losing 2 so close can't be easy! :no:
I thought I'd try and explain what happened to Jericho, last year he had 3 - 4 different bouts what was apparently cystitis, eventually it was thought he had IC and was put on cystophan and painkillers (after how many courses of antibiotics) not long after Christmas he seemed perfectly fine so I decided to stop all meds, he was perfectly fine for six months and then started bleeding again, back on antibiotics for almost 3 weeks, I had to take him off of them 3 days early because they were irritating his stomach even though he was have probiotics, I noticed as well he seemed to have trouble passing stools, by Monday he really wasn't well, he was taken to the vets who said he had a bladder blockage, they xrayed him and did the op not long after he went in, when my son went back to collect him they said his bladder was blocked with urine and some other stuff, not sludge as they checked it for crystals and there weren't any, they thought it was bacterial, but I'm confused about that with him being on meds for almost 3 weeks? I noticed he still wasn't right when I woke up the following morning, grunting and cold, my son tried syringe feeding him but he just didn't seem to want the food, off he went back to the vets where his health deteriorated, the vet tried to help him, she said the blockage had returned and that because he had a build up of urine again it was causing high potassium levels which basically was poisoning him and he ended up with kidney failure as well. Also the fact he was under so long when having his bladder unblocked didn't help him.

I feel so gutted about it, my son and I really do try and help our little furry family when they are ill but we seem to end up losing them anyway :(
It's a mystery as to why the poor little mite had this issue. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done. My first piggy Shadow had bladder issues that wouldn't go away, and by the end her bladder was in a really poor state. The op she had to try to help her pushed her over the edge and she died shortly afterwards. My point is sometimes all the help given is not enough, and the signs of their illnesses can be misleading, with symptoms being those of more common problems. Perhaps with Jericho he had a strain of bacteria that was partly resistant to the antibiotics, and perhaps he had swelling due to long-term bladder irritation that kept blocking him up? But perhaps all we can do is sit here typing 'maybe this and maybe that' - I don't think you will ever have all the answers, as I will never quite know with Shadow, and not knowing makes things worse somehow. And like you I tried to help my others who died anyway - it's soul-destroying isn't it? Snowball seemed to be getting through her chest infection but then died, just as I had got her life sorted out in terms of finding a happy mate. The timing of it rubbed it in somehow. Sunrise was sent (thanks to the very kind help of this forum) to one of the best vets in the country but had an issue that took everyone by surprise and couldn't have been predicted, and she died. You do end up feeling like you try all you can and still it doesn't go right for them, and it is so damned sad, especially when it is like this one after the other.
But you did your very best, both of you, you took him to several vets as I recall and you did what you could to try to get to the bottom of it. What else could you have done? I just hope that now this run of dreadful luck is over and that your other furries live healthy lives. It IS soul-destroying when it goes on like this, I do tend to think it's a bit of a lottery with piggies, some who never have a problem and others who are in and out of the vets. I know too that you have taken on piggies who had health issues missed by those previously caring for them, and you've done all in your power to make things right for them.

You're a good person Kerrie, a very good person. You really have been the most vigilant and proactive of guinea-slaves when it comes to caring for their health and providing lovely set-ups and the right social interactions for them all. I've said it before and I'll say it again, all of your furries have been very fortunate to have ended up in your care and nothing any other piggy-slave could have done would have altered the outcome for those who have had ill health.

Huge hugs to you xx
Thanks @Critter x

Yeah it is soul destroying and yeap the not knowing sends me nuts, it annoys me more when they have gone to see vets and the vets either take guesses, don't treat them properly or shrug the problem off as just one of those things. I never thought about his bladder being swollen even though I know cystits can cause it to swell.

The animals are better cared for than I am, my health problems get left and left (not because of the animals, because of my anxiety) and the bungalow still hasn't been decorated or carpeted, I've still got to sort Coco's cysts out and have Nattie scanned to see if she has them and also Storm needs a side xray so the vet in Alfreton can advise us properly. I'm hoping after all that, the guinea's won't have anymore problems.

I won't be adopting anymore unless I need to for a lone guinea, like Big's for example.

I hope your all ok there Ness.
Another sad post :(

Big E, our longest member of the guinea family was put to sleep today (17/02/17), he had been having problems for 2 weeks or so, yet more vets messing up, finally got him to a vet that knew what they were talking about, he had to have a dental but sadly he never improved, the vet seems to think he may have had a stroke because his eye was straying but he could have had an ear infection because he had a cold again. I don't think he fully recovered from his dental op either and I guess with him already being ill, that wouldn't have helped.

RIP Big E, run free with Sheamus and Jerichco (his old pals that passed) and the other little piggies we've lost. We'll really miss you :( Love you Big E x

Having a bit of a bad start to the year, lost my Uncle a couple of weeks ago as well sadly...

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Kerrie, I am so very sorry for your latest loss of Big E, he had a wonderful life with you remember that. I am really sorry to hear about your uncle too.

Sleep well little one

x x
Big E and his first cage mate Sheamus.

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Big E and his second cage mate Jericho

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Big E and his third cage mate Enzo

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I am so sorry that you have lost your piggies in such a short time. I broke my heart over Molly so you should feel so much worse. Massive Hugs coming your way.
Sleep tight Little Ones