Slave Tired Of Worrying - 2 Pigs At Vets Today

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Just sharing a bit of anxious slave exhaustion! Other forum people will relate I am sure.
2 boys at vets today - one for a dental (Barney Bubbles) and the other (Thorn ) for some more tests, teeth check and blood tests as we still don't know what is going on with him.
Nearly £300 ouch and much stress. But they are home again and having naps now.

Possibly tired also as having to syringe feed Thorn at least 3 times a day in between work, kids etc. I have been doing that since December so it seems a while - has anyone else done long periods of syringe feeding ie weeks of it? (not counting Debbie who must syringe feed standing on her head).
I am sorry you and your poorly babies are going through this. Good luck. I hope they are better soon.
awww that sounds pretty stressful, I hope you get some answers and things calm down soon, syringe feeding can be a bit stressful for sure.
Just sharing a bit of anxious slave exhaustion! Other forum people will relate I am sure.
2 boys at vets today - one for a dental (Barney Bubbles) and the other (Thorn ) for some more tests, teeth check and blood tests as we still don't know what is going on with him.
Nearly £300 ouch and much stress. But they are home again and having naps now.

Possibly tired also as having to syringe feed Thorn at least 3 times a day in between work, kids etc. I have been doing that since December so it seems a while - has anyone else done long periods of syringe feeding ie weeks of it? (not counting Debbie who must syringe feed standing on her head).
I understand too well what this is like, having had months of a poorly boy progressively getting worse with no answers, and so much expense. We have more definitive answers now and have been treating each issue one step at a time, he now requires a full routine and regular check ups. Due to so much weight loss (590g being his recorded lowest due to a recent URI on top of everything else) he is being syringe fed at least 3 times a day (this will continue for at the least a month) as well as seperate vegetable feeding, and all his medications! It's incredibly exhausting and one heck of an emotional roller coaster ! X

I hope you find answers for your boys, and that they will soon both be well on the mend!

The expense of the vets is rather extreme, I wouldn't like to hazard a guess on how much we have spent out.... So I understand the toll that takes on you as well.

Do try and take some time for yourself, you deserve it. Xx
We are syringe feeding Barney at the moment as he has a possible dental abcess and then had a bad reaction to Zithromax (most pigs are ok with it, he's just odd) and before that Phoebe was being fed too, so know how you feel. Hope both pigs are ok.
It is natural reaction to be worried, we love them so much we just want the best for them and better health too. Hoping things work out soon xx
Sending healing vibes to Barney Bubbles and Thorn.

I often wonder how I would cope if one of my guinea pigs was ill and needed so much care.

I remember when my Max got his abscess. He needed antibiotics morning and evening as well as having his wound irrigated. I had to set my alarm 1/2 hour earlier to make sure I had enough time to give him his medication before going to work. I only had to do this for a few weeks but it was exhausting ! I don't know how I'd cope with giving a treatment 3 times a day.

Keep up the good work . You obviously love your guinea pigs very much and I hope you see signs of improvement soon.
Thank you fellow piggie people - it is comforting to know there are other syringe feeders out there battling to keep these little ones going! I have just given Barney Bubbles some syringe feed as he is not eating much after his dental - and he might as well join in the syringe feeding party!

I have been super grumpy with my family but I think that is because we don't know what is wrong with Thorn and it is really bugging me. Anyhow blood test results should be tomorrow.

Actually feeding Thorn is not a chore so I shouldn't complain - he is amazingly well behaved, I don't have to hold him even he just sits on his cosy and watches telly as I syringe in the good stuff! He likes Countryfile best I think:P (or is that me liking Adam the farmer?).- hard to say.
I understand too well what this is like, having had months of a poorly boy progressively getting worse with no answers, and so much expense. We have more definitive answers now and have been treating each issue one step at a time, he now requires a full routine and regular check ups. Due to so much weight loss (590g being his recorded lowest due to a recent URI on top of everything else) he is being syringe fed at least 3 times a day (this will continue for at the least a month) as well as seperate vegetable feeding, and all his medications! It's incredibly exhausting and one heck of an emotional roller coaster ! X

I hope you find answers for your boys, and that they will soon both be well on the mend!

The expense of the vets is rather extreme, I wouldn't like to hazard a guess on how much we have spent out.... So I understand the toll that takes on you as well.

Do try and take some time for yourself, you deserve it. Xx

Oh crikey 590g sounds scary - all credit to you for bringing him back from there and it is good to hear stories of piggies making it through such tricky illness. Hope he keeps getting stronger. x
Oh crikey 590g sounds scary - all credit to you for bringing him back from there and it is good to hear stories of piggies making it through such tricky illness. Hope he keeps getting stronger. x
Is a bit, total meltdown at that point I must say! ha
It is, always gives you hope aye, and I must say all credit goes to @Piggly without her, I'd be up a creak without a paddle! :)
Thank you, and the same goes for you two boys x
Its a big deal having to syringe feed a piggy day in day out, I think everyone who has done it can sympathise a lot. With Frank I found the best thing to do was for him to eat when I did! But it always takes time and patience to get enough food down them. Piggies such as @TheFurryGodmother 's Frank have very dedicated owners. Good luck @lauraboara , hope your piggies health improves soon :)
Hope your pigs start to get better soon! Sending thoughts of recovery lettuce their way
Just sharing a bit of anxious slave exhaustion! Other forum people will relate I am sure.
2 boys at vets today - one for a dental (Barney Bubbles) and the other (Thorn ) for some more tests, teeth check and blood tests as we still don't know what is going on with him.
Nearly £300 ouch and much stress. But they are home again and having naps now.

Possibly tired also as having to syringe feed Thorn at least 3 times a day in between work, kids etc. I have been doing that since December so it seems a while - has anyone else done long periods of syringe feeding ie weeks of it? (not counting Debbie who must syringe feed standing on her head).
Syringe feeding is exhausting when you do it for a long period of time. You also can't take any time out and need to plan your life around syringe feeds.
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